GWR Route: Stratford on Avon to Honeybourne
Sancta Lane Station: gwr-smjsa1552
Ex-GWR 2-8-0 28xx class No 2818 is seen passing Stratford on
Avon Junction Signal Box on an up Class G freight service in the late 1950s.
Built at Swindon works in in December 1905 No 2818 remained in service until
October 1963 when it was withdrawn from Court Sart Shed in Neath to be
preserved as part of the national collection. Peter Tandy writes, 'The origin
of this photograph is slightly mysterious. I found the print amongst a pile of
family pictures taken my late father who although an accomplished photographer
had no real interest in railways. I must assume that he took the shot whilst
out for a walk and when he happened to have his folding camera, which took 9
pictures to a 120 roll, in his canvas bag. I still have the camera and have
used it once, althought the maximum shutter speed of 1/100 was a little
limiting. The lens is of excellent quality and as it likely that the train
featured would be moving very slowly towards the Evesham Road level crossing
after a signal check there is no noticeable blur. The date is unknown, but it
is probably from the late 1950s when the signal box appearing on the left of
the locomotive was still in use to control the spur round to the SMJ. Although
it was a misty day, quite a lot of detail of the SMJ's buildings can be seen in
the background. When the box here shown was replaced in 1960, the curve round
to the SMJ was singled and became rarely used. Peter has his own website with
photographs primarily of the railway scene post-1968 - see
