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GWR Route: North Warwickshire Line

Henley in Arden - Old Station: gwrha1402

Ex-GWR 0-6-0PT 94xx class No 9432 is seen having just completed the shunting of the wagons into one of Henley-in-Arden's two long sidings

Ex-GWR 0-6-0PT 94xx class No 9432 is seen having just completed the shunting of the wagons into one of Henley-in-Arden's two long sidings. The GWR 'Toad' guards van has been removed from the rear of the goods train and would have been standing in an adjacent siding as the locomotive prepares to shunt the wagons for the return journey. These 'trips' involved departing from Bordesley with a train of fully laden wagons and as each station was visited, the locomotive would in turn drop off the wagons destined for the station and any empty wagons were shunted out and left ready for collection on the return journey. The only exception being Danzey which was served on the return journey. Such workings were common on all railways until from the late 1950s, the ease of delivering door-to-door by road transport forever killed the daily goods service in the UK.
