GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton
Hockley Station: gwrhd1656
Demonstrating the old and new methods of moving railway
vehicles around a goods yard on 6th April 1949. The old methods required either
a shunting horse and handler or two men on powered capstans, the latter seen
above. The new method being demonstrated was the BSA Truck Mover which only
required one man to operate the device and move the wagon. The photograph seen
above is apparently recording the first ever trial of this device. To the
limited knowledge of the writer the device was not widely deployed but cannot
say for what reason. Clearly the motor used to power the Truck Mover was
obviously a twin-stroke motorcycle engine which must have been very noisy and
may have been one reason for its lack of adoption. British Pathe filmed the BSA
Truck Mover together with other equipment on show at the British Industries
Fair at Castle Bromwich as part of their newsreel film. See the last section of
the film clip available on the
British Pathe website (as of 12th October 2011).
