GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton
Hockley Station: gwrhd2625
Great Western Railway single horse flat trolley being loaded
with sacks for distribution at the end of the Inwards Shed and Warehouse in
Hockley Goods Depot in 1921. The Great Western Railway had issued a standard
design drawing (No 59981) for a standard one horse trolley design in September
1920. The drawing shows 3 foot 3 inch diameter twelve spoke artillery
type cart wheels supported on leaf springs, with the 8 foot shafts
attached to the articulated front axle. Driver arrangements varied between
areas; the Birmingham pattern had a box seat raised some 10 inches above the
flat vehicle floor and there was no mechanical brake. A canvas hood was secured
to an arched framework which could be repositioned to give some weather
protection to the load. A single horse was expected to haul up to 36 cwt at a
speed of 6 mph and cover 20 miles in their day's work.
Robert Ferris
