GWR Route: The North Warwickshire Line
GWR Route: Stratford Upon Avon to Hatton
Stratford on Avon Station: gwrsa507
View of Stratford on Avon station from Alcester bridge
showing two sets of tracks alongside Platform 3 and an up local passenger
service to Birmingham. The second set of tracks was authorised in February 1942
and described as the Cold Store up loop and serviced the Ministry of Food's
Cold Store which was built on the land to the left of the station now occupied
by Morrison's Supermarket. The points which gave access to the Cold Store loop
from the bay were fitted with a lock retaining bar which prevented the
signalman at Stratford on Avon West Box, who could not see the points, from
inadvertently operating them while a train or vehicle was standing on them. The
state of the station, with its extremely grimy and sooty appearance and when
compared to image 'gwrsa615' taken in 1950, would
seem to indicate that the photograph was taken in the immediate post-war period
before nationalisation.
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