GWR Route: North Warwickshire Line
Shirley Station: gwrsh493
View of Shirley signal box which located at the Birmingham
end of the down platform with a rear window to monitor goods yard traffic.
Immediately behind the signal box is the goods yard, access to which was via
the siding from the main line from the other side of the goods shed. The height
of the signal box appears to be lower than other boxes on the line. The reason
being was the limited visibility caused by the low road bridge at the end of
the station. Entrance to the signal box was via the steps which rose from the
platform within a rebated area. Whereas it was normal practice to raise the
signal box to provide a clear view down the line, this practice would restrict
the signalman's view. Note the rural outlook behind the box, the oil lamp post
and the short flight of steps into the box. C1930