London North Western
Midland Junction Railway

Birmingham New Street Station: lnwrbns_str1295
An aerial view of New Street station showing how the station
dominated this part of the city centre with the Queens Hotel towering above the
North side of the station. The original LNWR station was originally to be built
with a three-span roof but it was very quickly recognised that the supporting
columns would severely restrict the workings of the railways. Therefore
Cowper's design of a single-span roof was accepted even though the largest span
at the time was the 150 foot wide roof at Liverpool station, some 62 foot less
than the 212 foot design adopted at New Street. Whilst the Midland Railway
opened in 1868 St Pancras station with its 243 foot wide single span train
shed, it was some 151 feet shorter than New Street's. Richard Foster notes that
as the site was not quite rectangular which required roof trusses of slightly
different lengths together with a height of 75 feet at its apex above rail
level, the roof must be regarded as representing 'Midland iron-making industry
at its best'.