London North Western
Midland Junction Railway
LMS Route: Nuneaton to Leamington
Kenilworth Station: lnwrk2066
A 1959 view of Kenilworth station's goods yard with the
goods shed in the centre and the weighbridge office and stables on the right.
The 1844 sandstone weighbridge office is on the right behind the right hand
siding whilst to its left is the goods office built some twenty years later.
The goods shed which was built using timber framing and cladding was erected on
this spot during the 1883 rebuilding of the station although it is thought it
might have been erected in the 1870s to be later moved during the remodelling
of the yard. On the very right are the stables provided to accommodate both the
shunting horses used to move the wagons around the yard as well as for
delivering goods around the town. The siding that once lay behind the platform
has been removed although the fixed positioned and hand-operated crane appears
to be still in use for loading the bundles of timber seen in the long
wheel-base open wagon on the right.