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LMS Route: Evesham to Birmingham

Studley & Astwood Bank Station: mrstud595

Looking towards Redditch with Studley and Astwood Signal Box located at the end of the station's platform

Looking towards Redditch with Studley and Astwood Signal Box located at the end of the station's platform in the summer of 1949. The goods shed and sidings were accessed off the loop line extending in the distance parallel to the single running line. A number of vans and open mineral wagons can be seen stabled on the siding. On the undated LMS 40 feet to 1 inch rating plan, two coal merchants, TA Dixon and Alcester Cooperative Society have offices and a hard standing area to accommodate coal. Whilst the signal box controlled access from the loop line to the running line, the signalling diagram seen in image 'mrstud1371' shows a Stage controlling access off the loop line on to the siding.
