London North Western
Midland Junction Railway

LMS Route: Birmingham New Street to Tamworth
LMS Route: Nuneaton to Birmingham New Street
Washwood Heath Sidings: mrwhg456
Looking along the former LNWR Aston Stechford route towards
Aston showing Washwood Heath Signal Box protecting the junction to the carriage
sidings on 5th May 1961. Mike Hollick of the LNWR Society writes, 'The
Minutes of the General Manager's Inspection of the Birmingham District on 28th
April 1879 might be of interest. Amongst the items reported were some
references to the Aston and Stechford new line: - 7. Mr. Browning to be seen as
to siding to Saltley Carriage Works 8. Coal Sidings near Washwood Heath
deferred but available spoil to be deposited there. 9. Land near Washwood Heath
to be retained for future Station; enquiry as to sand in cutting.
Of the three items, only the siding to the Metropolitan
Carriage & Wagon Co. works was actually carried out. The junction was to a
private siding, made by an agreement dated 18th November, 1879. Under the
Agreement, the Railway Company were to tip spoil to form the required
embankment, and to construct a culvert, but the Carriage Company supplied all
the necessary bricks and laid all of the track. Following completion, the first
94 yards of the spur were maintained by the L. & N.W. Company at its cost,
the remainder by the Metropolitan Company. The Metropolitan Company, also had a
siding connection to the Midland Railway. However, the two sidings were only
connected through the carriage works and were not a direct connection between
the L&NWR and the MR.'. Reg Instone, also of the LNWR Society, added,
'It was very steeply graded and special working arrangements were
