GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton
GWR Route: North Warwickshire Line
Alcester Shed: gwr-mra320
In January 1933, the Great Western Railway introduced a new
Rule Book, which contained the general safety provision in Rule 11 (a) No
employee shall expose himself to danger, and he must prevent as far as possible
such exposure on the part of other employees, and spare no opportunity of
warning those who neglect to take proper care. Although the Rule book contained
specific details and responsibilities necessary to achieve safe railway
operation, certain Company activities were not included in either the Rule Book
or General Appendix to the Rule Book. The potential for serious or fatal
accidents to occur if a locomotive was moved when other staff were working on
or in the vicinity of it, was a particular area of concern. Lubricating and
cleaning activities would often involve staff being unavoidably in positions
that could be dangerous and the company therefore introduced additional Rules
specifically for Drivers, Firemen and all Employees working in or about
Locomotives Engine Sheds or Shed Sidings. This document was issued at the same
time as the new Rule Book and details staff responsibilities and the procedures
necessary to maintain safety.
Robert Ferris
