GWR Route: Bearley to Alcester
Alcester Station - GWR Views: gwr-mra465
An unidentified Great Western 517 class 0-4-2T
propels a auto trailer from Bearley into Alcester Station during the summer of
1928. At this time the Alcester Branch was worked by an auto train, which
shuttled up and down the branch line six times each week day. The trains
reversed at Alcester and Bearley with the exception of the 10:15am service from
Alcester, which worked through to Stratford upon Avon avoiding Bearley Station
and arrived at 10:42am. The return service to Alcester left Stratford upon Avon
at 11:23am and also avoided Bearley Station. In addition two services each way
hauled various goods wagons and a brake van as mixed trains. The auto trains
had a mechanical arrangement, which allowed the driver to control the regulator
and vacuum brake from the front of the auto trailer while leaving the fireman
alone on the locomotive to tend the fire and maintain stream pressure. This
ability to drive the train from either end alleviated the need to run the
engine round at a terminus. In an attempt to address rising operating costs,
the Great Western prepared a detailed report in 1926 on a selection of its
branch lines. This included the Alcester Branch, where it was identified that
the payment to the LMS for the use of Alcester Station amounted to £842,
which was 12% of the annual expenditure on this line.
Robert Ferris
