GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton
Hatton Bank: gwrhb102
GWR Diesel Railcar No 26 with auto trailer No 62 on a
Stratford-upon-Avon local service in September 1946. Railcars No 26 and No 29
were allocated to Leamington Shed at this time and each worked four or five
shuttle services between there and Stratford-upon-Avon daily (with each having
one service extended to Honeybourne). The first 17 GWR Diesel Railcars from AEC
were only designed to operate as solo units, but from No 18 onwards the
Railcars were designed to haul up to 60 tons. No 26 was originally taken into
stock on 18th September 1940 and was condemned in October 1962. Auto Trailer No
62 was a 70' (Diagram L) auto trailer, which could seat 76 passengers (28
smoking). No 62 was built in January 1908 and condemned in October 1956.
Photographed by HW Robinson © Steam Archive
