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GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton

Hatton Bank: gwrhb4005

Plan presented to Parliament in 1913 showing the extra land required at the top of Hatton Bank and the station

The Great Western Railway submitted a number of plans in support of a Bill brought before Parliament in the 1913 Session. This would confer ‘further powers upon the Great Western Railway Company in respect of their own undertaking and upon that Company and the London and North Western Railway Company in respect of an undertaking in which they are jointly interested and for other purposes.’ Plan Sheet 32 included land near to Hatton Station. This land at the top of Hatton Bank was to be acquired to facilitate the extension of a Down Goods Loop from Budbrooke to Hatton Station. This Goods Loop was brought into use on 3rd May 1914. On the left of the plan, the existing track layout at Hatton Station can be seen. This includes a turntable that was initially installed to turn the Stratford Branch locomotives. This turntable was removed during 1913. See also the enlargement below.

Robert Ferris

An unidentified ex-GWR 2-6-0 Mogul of the 53xx class variant is seen climbing Hatton Bank with a down express service to Snow Hill
