GWR Route: North Warwickshire Line
Hall Green Station: gwrhg463a
Close up of image 'gwrhg463' showing Hall Green Signal Box
which controlled the section through the station and access to the goods yard's
sidings. The main sidings and goods shed were accessed off the up line being
located partly behind the up platform and forward in the direction of
Birmingham. There was also a short siding on the down side of the station. From
a sketch in Mike Hitches book Warwickshire Railways to rather short and
might provide access to a building of some kind, probably relating to a nearby
factory. The signal adjacent to the signal box is a lower quadrant arm on a
cantilever frame. Bob Mills writes 'As a youngster I spent many a summer
Saturday there to cop the South West bound holiday excursions and I will
always remember Britannia locomotives passing through such as 'Lord
