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GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton

Hatton Station: gwrhj100b

Close up of the derailed brakevan, a 20ton brakevan to diagram AA13, constructed between 1913 and 1918

Close up of image 'gwrhj100' showing the derailed brakevan (Telegraphic code Toad). This Toad is a 20ton brakevan to diagram AA13, constructed on Lot 817 between 1913 and 1918. The number is No 56524 and the home allocation is Pontypool Rd in South Wales. It was Great Western practice to allocate brakevans to particular depots or yards and the vans carried the name of their allocation to facilitate their return. This practice ceased in WW2 when more flexibility was required and post war only about 5% of the brakevans retained their names. This brakevan is therefore likely to have been part of a South Wales freight train, which was probably on route to Banbury. The accompanying low sided steel open wagon appears to be a GW diagram P ballast wagon. It is carrying a granulated material, which may be ballast.

Robert Ferris
