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GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton

Hatton Station: gwrhj108

A view from the road bridge at the Birmingham end of the station with ex-LSWR T9 4-4-0 No 313 on a down Sunny Coast express train

A view from the road bridge at the Birmingham end of the station with ex-LSWR T9 4-4-0 No 313 on a down Sunny Coast express train (a through working only occasionally worked by a Southern locomotive). There is no sign of the replacement South Signal Box, built in 1937, on the down island platform and the platform lighting is by oil lamps.

This view clearly shows the detail of the rear of the Start Signal for the bay on the left, which also carries a 2 route indicator for the Down Main Line/Up Goods Running Loop Line. Route indicators were used at low speed locations to reduce the number of signals required. Cut-out metal letters were raised and displayed against an opal glass background, which could be illuminated at night.

Robert Ferris
