GWR Route: Stratford on Avon to Honeybourne
Long Marston Station: gwrlm2427a
Close up of image 'gwrlm2427' showing some of the goods yard
including the fixed yard crane mounted on the landing dock which has a grounded
coach body in lieu of a goods shed. The corrugated steel shed appears to be
used as secure storage facilities for the Permanent Way gang. The mess
facilities for the staff based at the station, built of timber sleepers with a
brick chimney stack, is just beyond the bracket signal as seen in image 'gwrlm2428'. The photographer is standing at the end of
the down platform and looking south towards Honeybourne. Access to the ordnance
depot's sidings commenced at this point and consequently, though unusual on a
mainline, a facing slip has been provided allowing trains to run directly into
the sidings. The bracket signal contains two starter arms, the one on the left
controlling access into the sidings the one on the right controlling the
mainline to Honeybourne. The signal arm on the left is shorter in order to help
drivers differentiate between being given the right of way for the sidings and
the mainline. This, or a variation, was a safety practice adopted by many of
Britain's railways.