GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton
Leamington Shed: gwrls2166
A schematic plan showing the layout of Leamington shed, coaling
stage, turntable and carriage sidings. The sidings on the left adjacent to the
LNWR line to Rugby were used primarily for loco coal. Whereas the short siding
between the coaling road and the turntable road was used for accommodating
wagons loaded with ash and clinker following the cleaning of locomotives. The
five carriage sidings were numbered in sequence commencing from the road
adjacent to the shed and finishing with No 5 which was located next to the
mainline. This siding was kept free to facilitate locomotives running around
from one end to another. Siding No 5 also had a short dead-end siding leading
off which was known as 'Bursalls' and mainly used to stable auto-cars.