GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton
Leamington Spa Station: gwrls2528a
Close up of image 'gwrls2528' showing the final section of the
up platform being rebuilt with the steps to the station's underpass protected
by timber boarding. The building on the left is the section first built by the
GWR as they phased the demolition and rebuilding of the up platform. Image 'gwrls879' shows the two sections prior to the
demolition of the original station's up platform building. It is believed that
the steps to the underpass are still operational as indicated by the 'Way Out'
sign on the right. Note the LMS 5-plank open wagon being used to transport and
temporarily store the building material required by the contractor. Another LMS
5-plank open wagon, but apparently empty, is standing immediately behind it
indicating that use of the goods line was temporarily suspended making the
probability that the photograph was taken on a Sunday extremely high.