GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton
Leamington Carriage Sidings: gwrls3957
Two Great Western Railway internal letters from Mr J Morris
(Superintendent of the Line at Paddington) to Mr SF Johnson (Birmingham
Division Superintendent based at Snow Hill Station) about the provision of
water in the carriage sidings at Leamington:
The first internal letter dated 7th July 1909, urgently
asks if the provision of a water supply for the carriage sidings was included
by the Engineer.
The second internal letter dated 13th July 1909 indicates
that Mr Johnson had replied on the 12th July stating that the provision of
water for the carriage sidings had not been included. In this letter Mr Morris
reasonably surmises that water should be available in the adjacent Locomotive
Shed and suggests Mr Robinson is asked about the implications involved in
extending the shed's water facilities to the proposed carriage sidings. He
indicates that water would required for filling the lavatory tanks and that
therefore this should be drinking water. He also says that he could foresee
water being required for cleaning the carriages in these sidings in the future.
A hand written note on the letter indicates that Mr Robinson would draw up a
plan, to show the locations of the required water hydrants, which would be
ready on the morning of Friday 16th July.
Robert Ferris
