GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton
Leamington Spa Station: gwrls862
An artist's impression of Leamington station and station
forecourt seen just after it opened in 1853. When compared to early photographs
the artist's impression does capture the feel of the structure although his
perspective on the entrance to the subway is perhaps not quite correct. The
station shed is clearly seen with glazing in the roof and the end screen being
supported by an elliptical roof. The Leamington Year book for 1853 stated 'The
length of the covered space is 270 feet, the breadth 76 feet. The roof is
carried on 96 pillars, supporting 28 elliptically-arched trusses of 60 foot
span, most elegantly proportioned, rising 30 feet from the level of the rails.
Nearly half of the roof at the ridge is covered with glass, the remainder is
boarded and covered with blue slates'. 'The platforms on either side are the
whole length of the Station, 18 feet wide and 2 feet 9inches high, the distance
over the rails is 50 feet. On the north side is an additional shed 46 feet wide
with two lines of rails and an extra platform, which is preparing for the
greater convenience and safety of Excursion Trains'.