GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton
Moor Street Station: gwrms1733
Carman H Farley from Birmingham Moor Street Goods Depot
after wining the ‘Floyd Cup’ at the annual Great Western Railway
Horse parade in Birmingham on 3rd May 1937. Carman Farley had won the
‘Best turned-out goods van horse’ for the third successive year. The
competition included thirty-six Goods teams and four Parcels teams. The horse
is wearing its working harness, behind its collar, is a cart saddle designed to
support the wagon shafts and around the hindquarters is a Breeching Buttock
strap which acted as an extra braking device when descending an incline. The
Stables under the Moor Street Station complex were accessed from Allison Street
and were designed to accommodate sixty-seven horses and their provisions.
Robert Ferris
