GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton
Moor Street Station: gwrms2755
View of a three-car, four wheel ACV Lightweight Diesel Unit
standing at Moor Street's Platform 1 with a local service. The Great Western
Railway led the field with their fleet of diesel railcars, designed for both
branch passenger and lightly loaded main line trains, which came in single
unit, multiple unit, passenger and parcels versions. After nationalisation the
British Transport Commission also started thinking along these lines and one
result, in many ways the precursor of the DMUs that eventually took over the
branchlines of Britain, was the ACV lightweight diesel train. Powered by two
AEC 125hp diesel engines, as used in London's buses, the train was formed of
three four-wheeled cars and was noted for its quick acceleration, although the
ride was a little rough if the track was anything other than smooth! Finished
in a grey livery, Car Nº 1 had a driving compartment and two saloons, each
seating 16, a Guard's compartment and luggage compartment with a second driving
position. Car Nº 2 (at other end of the unit) had two saloons, with 24 and
21 seats respectively, and a driving compartment whilst in the middle of the
unit was Car Nº 3 with 52 seats in two saloons. The units could,
therefore, be assembled as a single, a two-car or a three-car train. Gangways
were provided between the cars enabling the Guard/Conductor to check tickets
and/or collect fares. The seats were bus-type and upholstered in strawberry
pink. As mentioned above acceleration was brisk, to about 45 mph, though the
rather low top speed of 50 mph would have been a problem if used on the main
line. It was to be another three years before the 'production' DMUs based on
the heavier Mk I coach were to be introduced to traffic. In hindsight a
low-cost, easy-maintenance, lightweight unit such as the ACV might have enabled
some of the more marginal branchlines to avoid closure.
The Railway World, January 1954
