GWR Route: The North Warwickshire Line
GWR Route: Stratford on Avon to Hatton
Stratford on Avon Station: gwrsa1539
View of the throat to the sidings at Stratford on Avon
station's goods yard, Flower & Sons Brewery and the local gas works. The
sidings at the top proceeding in to the New Brewery once continued as a single
line across Birmingham Road to the Brick Works of which there were, according
to the 1914 Ordinance Survey map two separate sites. One was immediately
opposite whilst another, reached by sidings that turned 90° by wagon
turntable, extended some distance up Birmingham Road to the Shakespeare Brick
Works which was situated where Tesco's petrol station and car parking stands
today in 2010. At the bottom of the photograph is the outer pair of the two
sets of tracks which approach Stratford on Avon station from the North, being
constructed in 1908 to a more generous curve than the original 1863 pair of
tracks, the latter became relegated to carriage sidings.