GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton
Soho and Winson Green: gwrswg2266
A 1934 GWR publicity photograph of Soho & Winson Green
warehouse showing M&B bags of hops being carried in LNER bags. The
following article appeared in the Great Western Magazine of March 1934 (page
141) Great Western Warehouse Accommodation. It will be common knowledge
that the Great Western Railway Company have provided spacious warehouses at all
important goods depots, as well as at many smaller stations. The purpose of
this accommodation is to attract new traffic, as well as to retain existing
traffic to the rail. Upon completion of the warehouse at Birmingham (Soho), in
December 1932, representatives of Messrs. Mitchells and Butler, the well known
Birmingham firm of brewers, were so impressed with the facilities for storage
that they took practically the whole of the top floor and a portion of the
second floor. The main commodities dealt with by the firm are hops, barley and
sugar. The latter traffic, which previously passed from London by road, is
packed in casks and nearly 1,000 tons have been received. The traffic commenced
to flow into the new warehouse early in October last. We reproduce a photograph
showing some of the hops now on hand. The firm have ordered about five thousand
pockets of hops to the warehouse, and a space of nine hundred square yards is
now occupied. Up to the present about nineteen thousand 2 cwt bags of English
barley have passed through the warehouse. The firm have already taken delivery
of nine thousand bags and the sacks remaining in the warehouse occupy two
thousand square yards.
Robert Ferris