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GWR Route: North Warwickshire Line

GWR Route: Hatton to Stratford on Avon

Wilmcote Station: gwrwil516b

Close up showing the original 1860 station under the arch and the smaller down platform building with the gentlemens toilet nearest the camera

Close up of image 'gwrwil516' showing the original 1860 station under the arch and the smaller down platform building with the gentlemen's toilet nearest the camera. The down platform building only needed to accommodate the passenger's general waiting room and ladies waiting room. The depth of the flower bed is noticeable being over half of the gravel chippings which covered the non-paved areas of the platform surface. The lampposts are clearly designed to house oil lamps, the daily responsibility to ensure that they are lit and extinguish plus the maintenance was the duty of the lowest member of staff.
