
The Great Western Railway in Warwickshire
The history of the Great Western Railway in Warwickshire
was, like the London Midland Railway, a story of competing independent railway
companies which over time became the GWR. Robert Ferris traces the origins of
the company from the early days of railways in the county to its last days of
independence when on 31st December 1947 it became the Western Division of
British Railways.
To navigate within the history of the Great Western Railway
in Warwickshire click the following links.
Extract from Great Western Magazine Vol. 51. No.3, March
Communities We Serve Birmingham
Birmingham, the second largest city in Great Britain, is
geographically and in importance the centre of Industrial England. It has a
population of more than a million, and within an outer radius of twelve miles
nearly five millions. Some idea of the expansion of the City may be gleaned
from the fact that a hundred years ago it was only a fiftieth part of its
present area of 5,147 acres. Progress and development of industry have
proceeded step by step with the development of transport, particularly of
railway services and facilities. Birmingham has for the last quarter of a
century been universally known as the city of a thousand
Goods Services
The Great Western Railway has provided a number of
well-equipped depots befitting the importance of the City of Birmingham as a
commercial centre. Brief details of the special facilities, apart from the
usual equipment, available at the Birmingham goods stations are outlined below
Hockley, the principal goods station for general
goods traffic, occupies an area approximately three-quarters of a mile long and
200 to 300 yards wide. In order to deal efficiently with an increasing traffic,
the Company decided in 1935 to go forward with a scheme to remodel the depot at
an estimated cost of a quarter of a million sterling. The work is now in
progress, and on completion the goods shed will accommodate upwards of 300
wagons. In addition to the remodelling of the goods shed and yard sidings, the
general equipment of the depot is being modernised. Apart from its terminal
traffics, Hockley is one of the principal points on the Companys system
for dealing with transfer goods. Such consignments dealt with in 1937 numbered
1,383,224 representing 172,000 tons. General merchandise, including heavy
traffic, is dealt with in spacious yards in which siding accommodation is
provided for approximately 300 wagons.
A commodious four-storey warehouse, fully equipped with
cranes, lifts and hoists, is utilized to the fullest extent. Among the various
commodities stored and distributed are flour, grain, glass, paper, canned
goods, sugar, bacon, cider, strawboards, etc. A large quantity of printing
paper is also warehoused and daily deliveries are effected to comply with the
requirements of well-known Birmingham morning and evening newspapers. Extensive
Bonded Stores provide safe and cool accommodation for wines and spirits in
casks and cases. The normal space available is capable of holding some 1,400
casks and 2,250 cases, equivalent to 125,000 gallons; last year 1,215 casks and
1,400 cases were received into store.
The depot is in direct rail communication with the
Birmingham Canal Navigation, and a fleet of barges owned by the Company,
conveys merchandise to and from firms having waterside premises. Commodities so
delivered and collected includes coils of wire, cases and bags of screws, slab
copper, steel strip, iron, electric cable, tea, etc.; the distance involved in
some instances amounts to between five and six miles. In 1937 the gross weight
of traffic dealt with at Hockley and sub-depots was; general merchandise
803,129 tons, coal and coke, 116,070 tons. The traffic carted by the
Companys equipment amounted to 551,148 tons. Every year upwards of 7,000
wagon-loads of live stock are dealt with at spacious open and covered pens
provided at Hockley and Bordesley.
Moor Street is situated within 300 yards of the
wholesale fruit and vegetable market. The land upon which it is built falls in
the same line as the steep hill of the Bull Ring and is intersected by three
streets. The depot consists of three sheds, one at min line and Moor Street
level, a second, underground, abutting Park Street, and a third at a lower
level abutting Allison Street. Wagons are lowered to the underground sheds by
means of electric wagon-hoists and are positioned for unloading to platform or
road vehicle by electric traversers and capstans. The underground warehouse
accommodation, which exceeds 4,500 square yards, is particularly suitable for
storage of fruit and vegetables; large quantities of oranges, apples, lemons,
grapes, potatoes, onions and nuts are amongst the commodities warehoused and
distributed, while special accommodation is also provided for the storage and
ripening of bananas. The total traffic dealt with at the depot in 1937 amounted
to 160,628 tons.
Small Heath depot, some three miles south of Hockley,
serves a large area in which many works are situated. The facilities afforded
include a goods yard equipped with a 20 ton electric gantry crane, and with
accommodation for some 300 wagons. The total traffic dealt with at the depot
during 1937 was 80,000 tons and this included 40,368 tons of coal, 6,082 tons
of electric cable, 11,319 tons of timber and 1,355 motor cars. Truck loads of
returned empties for Birmingham are concentrated daily at Small
Heath and dealt with in a separate shed, where they are sorted ready for
delivery by the Companys cartage equipment.
Bordesley, a depot connected by siding with the
Companys main line south of Birmingham, is equipped with an excellent
four-floor warehouse, particularly suitable for the storage of non-ferrous
metals, tinplates, blackplates, etc. The building is dry, airy, and
well-lighted and served from rail level by the latest type of electric lifts
and hoists; electric runways are provided to expedite the transfer of heavy
articles between truck platform and road vehicle. Traffic delivered from the
depot in 1937 amounted to 53,000 tons.
Soho and Winson Green, on the northern side of
Birmingham, has a large and well-appointed warehouse with a total floor space
of 8,500 square yards. The building, constructed as recently as 1933 to the
most up-to-date specification, provides ideal accommodation for the storage of
all descriptions of merchandise, and is extensively used. The depot also has
excellent yard accommodation to position 300 wagons for loading and unloading,
and mobile petrol cranes are available for handling heavy articles. Traffic
dealt with in 1937 amounted to 38,314 tons.
Handsworth and Smethwick goods station, adjacent to
the boundary line between Smethwick and Birmingham, is centrally situated for
serving two extensive and rapidly expanding districts, with the advantage of
being in close proximity to the heavier industries clustered mostly on the
Smethwick side. Notable among these is the Birmingham Railway Carriage and
Wagon Co., with extensive works connected by private sidings, from which
rolling-stock of all sizes and descriptions are despatched, sometimes to such
far-distant destinations as China, South Africa and Argentina. There are two
yards at Handsworth and Smethwick station, each equipped with adequate crane
power. A notable feature here is the unloading of iron bars and billets. The
tonnage dealt with in 1937 was 189,537, including 66,000 tons of coal and
Tyseley goods station, to the south of Birmingham, is
situated in a district rapidly developing as an area for large factories; the
districts served include Acocks green, Olton, Sheldon, Yardley, South
Yardley, Hay Mills, Greet and a portion of Hall Green. The depot has an
exceptionally well-planned goods yard capable of berthing 300 wagons at one
time all in position. The total tonnage for 1937 was 157,000,
comprising coal, mineral and general merchandise; of this the Companys
equipment carted some 45,000 tons.
Hall Green station is situated south of Tyseley, on
the Birmingham Stratford-on-Avon line, and serves a large residential
and suburban shopping area, with daily collections and deliveries. The goods
yard has accommodation for positioning 120 wagons. The total tonnage dealt
with, comprising coal, minerals and general merchandise, amounts to 37,000 tons
per annum.
Passenger Services
On the passenger side the Great Western Railway
Companys services to the people of Birmingham in their journeys for
purposes of business and pleasure are no less comprehensive and up to date. Two
main passenger stations lie close to the city centre linked by frequent
services with eleven suburban stations within the confines of the city. Snow
Hill station, 110 miles from Paddington on the main route to Birkenhead,
provides communication with London and the South, South Wales and the West, and
with the numerous towns of the Black Country and the North. Moor Street station
is mainly concerned in serving the suburbs in the south-west of Birmingham, and
stations on the North Warwickshire line in the direction of Stratford-on-Avon.
The approach to Snow Hill station from the South is over the Bordesley Viaduct,
leading to a tunnel one-third of a mile long, at the northern end of which is
the station which was built on three levels and was remodelled in 1912.
Pedestrian and carriage approach roads at street level bring
the intending passenger to the high level circulating area and the booking and
inquiry offices, from which flights of steps give access to four up and down
main platforms, island in character, and each approximately 1,200 feet in
length. In all twelve platforms are available, totalling 6,316 feet, and
equally divided to accommodate up and down line traffic. Up and down lines for
through express and freight traffic extend the whole length of the
station, and the movement of traffic is controlled by two electrically-operated
signal boxes of 320 levers.
Among the numerous facilities available for dealing with the
heavy traffic which passes through the station are a subsidiary booking office
at Great Charles Street, nine electric luggage lifts, a private telephone
exchange, control office and load speaker system for public announcements.
Moor Street station, at the southern entrance of the tunnel
is a terminal station, trains running directly off the Bordesley viaduct to one
of three platforms at the street level. Equipped with electrically-operated
engine traversers at the terminal end of the platform lines, also with
electrical wagon hoists in adjacent sidings to transport wagons under load to
unloading berths at the lower street level, this station is able to deal with
traffic expeditiously and under modern conditions.
Passenger services into and out of the two main Birmingham
stations number 390 on a normal weekday, providing transport for many thousands
of passengers on business or pleasure bent. One and a quarter million tickets
were purchased last year either at the station booking and inquiry offices or
from one of the well informed agents appointed at suitable locations throughout
the City and suburban area. Season and workmans tickets are held by
25,000 persons, who use the business services into and out of the City daily,
principally during the peak periods between 7 oclock and 9 oclock
in the morning and 5 oclock and 7 oclock in the evening. Both are
closed stations, and the facility which enables friends of
passengers to have access to the platforms at a nominal charge of one penny is
a popular one, some 25,000 platform tickets having been purchased last
Birmingham is the gateway through which most of the
thousands of eager Midlanders pass when seeking holiday relaxation from their
various labours, and elaborate relief arrangements are brought into operation
at peak periods to provide for those travelling to the many popular resorts
served by the Great Western Railway. Space does not permit of reference being
made to the part played by the various suburban stations in the Great Western
contribution to greater Birmingham passenger transport this part is none
the less a very important one.
Parcels Traffic
The main collection s and deliveries of parcels traffic are
made from the parcels depot situated at the lower level at the north end of
Snow Hill station, where stabling for the fleet of vans and lorries is at hand
in the adjacent arches of the northern viaduct. Horse, motorcar, and other
traffics requiring special vehicles are dealt with in the Tunnel Sidings
loading docks. One and three quarter million parcels of every conceivable
description pass through the Birmingham Parcels Department in twelve months,
apart from the large numbers dealt with at certain other suburban stations
within the City area.
The City of Birmingham markets, for vegetables, fish, and
cattle, respectively, cover an area of over nine acres, and they can be said to
serve 2,000,000 persons, as their commodities are distributed not only to the
city dwellers but also to residents of adjacent townships. Special express
services convey to Birmingham daily, fish from the eastern and western ports,
produce from the Channel Isles and the West of England and rabbits from West
Wales and flowers from Scilly Isles in season. Before the normal business of
the city commences each morning Great Western road transport vehicles have
already delivered this passenger-rated traffic to the various markets from Moor
Street station. The traffic is very considerable, fish to the total of 11,000
tons and packages of produce numbering 850,000 and weighing 5,000 tons being
handled annually.
Robert Ferris
