LNER Route: Leicester to Marylebone
Catesby Tunnel: gcct4
An unidentified ex-LNER 4-6-2 class A3 locomotive enters
Catesby Tunnel at speed with a down Manchester express on 14th May 1949. The
rear of the photograph states it is No 60035 'Windsor Lad' however subsequent
debate agrees this caption is incorrect. Apparently No 60035 'Windsor Lad' was
involved in an accident at Penmansheil Tunnel in June 1949 just a couple of
weeks after this photograph was taken. Martin Beckett writes 'I
discovered your website via the National Preservation site. The very first
picture I looked at really staggered me - I could hardly believe my eyes! It
was the close up view of an A3 heading into Catesby Tunnel on the GC main line
and the engine is said to be Windsor Lad. Now, talk about 'prize cops' - well,
Windsor Lad on the southern part of the GC main line would deserve to be rated
as one of the biggest prize cops of all time! This A3 Pacific was allocated to
Scottish area sheds for the whole of its life. It hardly visited the south even
on the East Coast main line, let alone the GC section. It might have come south
on extremely rare occasions on a running in turn after overhaul at Doncaster,
but as your picture shows the engine is certainly nowhere near in ex-works
condition - in fact the very opposite.' I lived at the southern end of the
Kings Cross main line from the mid 1940s until regular steam workings finished
in 1963. Appearances of Scottish A3s in the south were like gold dust, and
during my years in the area I had only 2 definite sightings - and one of those
was at Peterborough.
Kester Eddy writes, 'The note by Martin above
that 'Windsor Lad' was a Scottish locomotive all its life and would have been
the "cop of cops" in the history of the world to be seen in London got me
sleuthing, or at least, organising a sleuthation (He! He! Like that word?) I
wondered about the train itself - from the lighting I would say the sun is high
and likely to be around 12.30 - 13.00, meaning the train would have depart
Marylebone at 11.15-11.45 ish. Several people came forward with possibly useful
info, including the fact that May 14 was a Saturday that year. Another person
said that by blowing up the photo, the nameplate is a double name, but the two
words are of roughly equal length. BUT, the clincher was a chappie called Owen,
who wrote as follows: "It seems to me that the loco in the photo can't be
Windsor Lad. The loco in the photo is right-hand-drive because the exhaust from
the vacuum ejector to the smokebox is not visible on this side. Windsor lad was
built new as an A3 and as such was built as left-hand-drive. The loco in the
photo would have been one of those originally built as an A1 and later re-built
to A3; most (all?) of these latter remained right-hand drive on re-building
although they were all left-hand drive by withdrawal'. So, it wasn't Windsor
Lad, that's nailed that one - but what was it? My suspicion is that it is No
60052 'Prince Palatine', which was Right Hand Drive and built by the Great
Central if I remember correctly'.
Peter C Scott writes, A3's came in many guises. The
RCTS 'green book', Locomotives of the LNER, Part 2A, is the definitive
reference and has been used for this essay.
The locomotives were of two basic types, those built as
A1s with right hand drive [Great Northern to Sir Hugo; 1922 to 1924], and
those built as A3's with left hand drive [Felstead to Brown Jack; 1928 to
1935]. By 1949, all the A1s had been upgraded to A3's, except Great
Northern which had been converted to A1/1. But the switch to left hand
drive was not undertaken until the period August 1952 to July 1954. The tenders
were more complicated. There were four types. As a rule of thumb,
A1s were originally paired with Great Northern [GN] tenders, with coal
rails. And A3's mostly had New Type [NT] curved top tenders. But Corridor [C]
and Streamlined [S] tenders were also paired with A1s and A3's from time
to time!
So what have we here in the photograph? A right hand drive
engine is hauling a new type tender. It is fairly grubby, and appears to still
have its wartime metal sheet, instead of its leading cab window glass. From the
book mentioned above, as at Sat 14th May 1949, the locomotive in the photograph
can only be one of the nine engines listed in the table below, complete with
their allocation and 'ranking' of probability: -
Rank |
Number |
Name |
Allocation |
1 |
60111 |
Enterprise |
Neasden |
2 |
60048 |
Doncaster |
Leicester |
3 |
60053 |
Sansovino |
Leicester |
4 |
60060 |
The Tetrarch |
Gateshead |
5 |
60070 |
Gladiateur |
Darlington |
6 |
60044 |
Melton |
Grantham |
7 |
60072 |
Sunstar |
Heaton |
8 |
60064 |
Tagalie |
Haymarket |
9 |
60067 |
Ladas |
Haymarket |
For information, the two previous suspects can be eliminated
from the enquiry. 60035 Windsor Lad was built as an A3, so is left hand drive.
But it did trail a New Type tender throughout its working life. And 60052
Prince Palatine, which although a right hand drive engine at the time, was
always paired with a Great Northern coal-railed tender - right up to being the
last of the class to be withdrawn in January 1966.
Peter C Scott writes, I wrote above that the identity
of the locomotive in the photograph was reduced to just nine possibilities,
with assistance of the RCTS' 'green book', Locomotives of the LNER, Part
2A. Previous examination of the image had revealed the probability of a two
worded name. Phill Taylor then looked again at the image, and confirmed that
the fourth ranked name, 'The Tetrarch', fitted the spacing on the nameplate
very well. So we can now confirm that the locomotive's identity is No
Now we must look at the timetable of trains on the Great
Central Main Line, and the locomotive workings to identify what service the
locomotive was working. And for this we turn to 'The District
Controllers View No 3 Marylebone & Rugby by Xpress
Publishing'. This book gives Line Positions at hourly intervals, based on
the 1950 Timetable. It also gives details of locomotive and train workings of
the period. There were five daytime expresses each way on the route, from just
after the War until the beginning of 1960. In 1950, all the expresses were
diagrammed for A3 Pacifics; and in 1949 would have been no different. The first
three northbound from Marylebone, all went to Manchester London Road. The
10:00am and 3:20pm travelled via Aylesbury, and the 12:15pm went by High
Wycombe. The table below shows the time they were expected at Catesby Tunnel,
and the time relative to the Sun's Meridian; BST, one hour ahead of GMT, was in
force as the date was Sat 14th May 1949. The Tunnel lies just a few
degrees west of due north-south.
Marylebone Dep |
Catesby Pass |
Suns Meridian |
10.00am |
11:45am |
1 hr. 15 m. Later |
12:15pm |
2:00pm |
1 hr. Earlier |
3:20pm |
5:10pm |
4 hr. 10 m. Earlier |
The train is clearly the 12:15 from Marylebone. For the
engine [not the train], this is the return working off the 7:40 Sheffield
Victoria to Marylebone a fairly quick turn round for the loco. So the
whole thing rests on what was on Sheffield Darnall Shed, at six o clock
that morning. And that day, Gatesheads 60060 was 'nearest the Shed door'!
Gateshead was not renowned for clean engines; the livery is actually LNER
Green, with BR number and BRITISH RAILWAYS in Gill Sans capitals. And the
clerestory first carriage well, thats another story!
