Building the last Main Line Railway
Catesby Tunnel and Viaduct: gcrcs159
View of one of the large square head frame used during the
construction of the Catesby tunnel. It was erected above one of the shafts
which were sunk at given distances along the bore of Catesby tunnel. At almost
3000 yards long, it was far more efficient to both drive the bore and bring
materials down from the surface at several points along the tunnels length
rather than send them along a congested 'highway' of wagons and spoil. Piled on
the loading stage, ready to be lowered to the army of men working below, are
some of the thirty million bricks which are estimated to have been used to
complete this mammoth engineering achievement. Note the tracks in the
foreground: for contractor's temporary rails they have been relatively well
laid and maintained.
