LNER Route: Leicester to Marylebone
Rugby Central Station: gcrcs208
An unidentified British Railways English Electric Type 3
Diesel Electric locomotive is seen crossing the Birdcage bridge on an up
Bournemouth working during the early 1960s. The York - Bournemouth express was
a long-established train over the GC and by the date of this photograph was the
only one to retain refreshment facilities and some prestige in contrast to the
Marylebone semi-fast services. It was the last of a number of daytime
cross-country expresses which had once used the GC, but which had all gone by
the early 1960s. One eight-coach set was provided by each of the North Eastern
and Southern Regions in lined maroon and stock green livery respectively. For
the high summer timetable this was strengthened to 11 coaches and the service
extended to and from Newcastle in the north and - following Bournemouth West's
closure in 1965 - Poole in the south. Operating through all bar one of British
Railways' six Regions, with a mixture of steam and diesel traction,
coordination and control of this service must have been a challenge to the
operating departments of each. Locomotive changes took place at Sheffield
Victoria, (where the train also reversed) and either Banbury, Oxford or
Basingstoke depending on punctuality. Closure of the GC in September 1966 saw
the train accelerated and diverted via New Street.
Andrew Chilcott
