GWR Route: Bearley to Alcester LMS Route: Evesham to
Alcester Station - GWR Shed: gwr-mra475
View looking towards the junction with the Midland Railway's
line whilst on the left the single road shed can be seen in August 1936. Whilst
the shed was built by the Bearley Railway Company its design was built to a
similar design found at most branch lines requiring overnight storage of
locomotives. Protected by lockable double doors it would be sufficiently long
enough to house a single locomotive and some basic tools for undertaking shed
repairs. A water tower was also provided to facilitate watering although in
this instance the locomotive could also take water elsewhere on the line such
as at the Edstone Viaduct at Bearley Junction as seen in image 'gwrbj764'. The internal dimensions of this brick built
structure were 38ft long, by 16ft wide, the height to the top of the wall as
16ft. The roof was slate and height to the ridge as 22ft 6in. The track was
slightly off set to provide a working area on one side and there was a 36ft
long drained inspection pit inside. This engine shed came under the
administrative control of Stratford on Avon Shed and was large enough to stable
the Branch engine (normally a 0-4-2T) each night but there was no covered
facility to store the auto trailer. Each week the auto trailer was changed for
cleaning and servicing. Alcester Junction and the MR tracks can be seen to the
right beyond the water tower. In the foreground is the pointwork, which
connects to the head shunt (see 'mra472').
