GWR Route: Alcester to Hatton Junction
GWR Route: North Warwickshire Line
Bearley Junction: gwrbj790
A 1953 view showing the boxed pipe from the aqueduct now
being protected by a 'fire devil' against freezing weather. The Great Western
Railway also owned the Stratford Canal which enabled them to devise this
ingenious method of providing water for their railway engines where the
Alcester branch passed under the Edstone Aqueduct. This photograph, taken on
6th June 1953, shows the boxed pipe from the aqueduct and the steps, which
allowed the fireman to operate the valve. Compare with gwrbj764 for the same view before the North
Warwickshire line was constructed. The wooden posted signal in the foreground
was installed when the North Warwickshire line was built in 1907. The main line
signal partially visible under the aqueduct on the left had a sighting board to
enable the signal arm to be seen more clearly against the backdrop of the
aqueduct steelwork. According to Stanley Jenkins & Roger Carpenter in their
book 'The Alcester Branch' the 3½ mile post on extreme left was erected
by BR (W) in March 1951 when the line became a long siding to Great Alne for
crippled and stored wagons so the route mileage needed amending to suit.
Robert Ferris
