GWR Route: Banbury to Wolverhampton
Hockley Station: gwrhd677
View of the final stages of the construction of the 'Top'
shed as seen from All Saints Street on 12th February 1940. The design of 'Top'
shed used steel framing with timber cladding which allowed the roof to project
over rail and road areas thereby providing shelter to the yard's staff. The
platform, or deck as often described by the yard's staff, seen under the awning
was classified by the GWR as No 10. The brick built hut seen behind the two
covered wagons in the foreground accommodated the yard's shunters assigned to
this area of the depot. Just in front of the nearest of the two wagons is the
turntable (a feint circle can just be seen) which provided access to the lines
running parallel with All Saints Street which in turn provided access to the
turntable that moved wagons under All Saints Street and into the basin (see
image 'gwrhd678'). The marshalling yard and access
to the shunting spur to Soho (which proceeded to go under and behind the
photographer) are on the left.