Stations, Junctions, etc
Engine Sheds
Warwickshire Railways: Railway Art
Barry Freeman GRA
Barry Freeman was born in Northampton in 1937. He had ten
years service in the Royal Navy and several more in the electronics and
aviation industries. He then taught drawing and painting for eighteen years and
then concentrated on his painting career full time from 1989. An avid railway
enthusiast since early childhood, his combined love of art and railways is
reflected in the detailed paintings in which he now specialises. He works
mainly in oils taking up to two months to complete a painting - a similar
amount of time being spent on research in the personal library of books and
photographs he has built up over the years. Barry is a member of the Guild of
Railway Artists for some other views of Barry's work see his home page on the
www.railart.co.uk. Prints of Barry's paintings can be obtained by contacting
When I commented that 'I was amazed that the paintings were
oils (Barry's favourite medium) as they have a delicacy I normally associate
with watercolours' Barry responded, 'The paintings are all in oils. Several are
3ft x 2ft, so reducing them to thumbnail size tends to make them look more
photographic. They are all painted with thin layers of paint, finishing up with
very small brushes, which explains the amount of time they take to paint and
the amount of detail, which the people I paint for tend to demand. If it were
left to me I'd probably be much more impressionistic!'
All the images on this page, and the linked larger versions,
are copyright of Barry Freeman MGRA. None maybe used without the artists'