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Painting: Peter Annable (MGRA)

Mike Musson Collection

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In looking on your wonderful site just now, I noticed that in the LNER section of Rugby, gcrcs13 & gcrcs13a, describe the engine as an unidentified B1. The engine is in fact a B16/1. You can tell this from the NER cab and tender. As I understand it, they were regulars on trips down from York via Woodford, to Banbury. Sorry that`s all the information I have. Keep up the good work.

Best Regards. Ian Jones

Thanks Ian! We have ammended the caption. We have also improved the mid-tones of the images too but the upgrade we have started with larger images - see the GWR Banbury to Wolverhampton route - we will have to leave to later.

I am presently researching Rugby Midland station for a large painting for a client in Rugby. Your site has produced a number of very valuable details of the south end of the station which will make putting together the painting so much easier. I note your interest in paintings. I have two of Rugby already which you might like to have a look at . One of the north end and No 4 signal box and another from the wooden bridge. Perhaps you could include these in your website, which incidentally I found absolutely fascinating.

Many thanks! Barry Freeman - Guild of Railway Artists

Many thanks for a delightfully nostalgic hour. Oh to be able to climb into a Tardis with a digital camera!!!!!

Ken Harris

Congratulations on a fine collection of photos relating to Claverdon where I currently live. Thank you. I really enjoyed viewing them.

Regards, Clive Hanley

My father took me to the scene of the derailment near Barby sidings in 1955. Although I was not yet 3 years old, it left a strong impression. I had searched the web for ages to find some reference to this event without any joy. It was not until I found your website that at last I found some mention.

I spent a day last July 06 trying to find the location of the accident but I think my bearings were off. I am going to try again this year.

The photographs you have are credited to the Coventry Evening Telegraph but I contacted them and they say they do not have any records and referred me to the Coventry Library. The microfilm at the library is not in very god condition and does not contain all the images you have. Is it possible you may have some original photographs that I could copy?

Many of the photographs that I have were acquired over twenty-five years ago. I have been told by other correspondents that the organisations that I have credited have no recollection of the images which is worrying. In this instance I copied someone else's photographs but I will contact you off-line to advise where you can get a copy.

Tom Niland

I enjoy visits to your comprehensive Warwickshire Railways site. For reference, the web site steamcentral.tripod.com features my GC book wherein is black & white imagery of the Great Central, 1960-1964, Rugby to Woodford Halse (120 pages of them) - and more pics taken further south on the line - the book comprising 288 pages in toto.

Many views of Rugby Central station and environs, Catesby tunnel (N. portal), and Woodford Halse station and environs and Woodford Halse MPD . . . it was probably high time I shared these irreplaceable images of a long-gone railway before they became forever lost.

Tony Newman

I have looked at many of the photo's on your Warwickshire's Railways site and may I suggest that you have another look at photo gwrsf540 of Stretton-on-Fosse and you will see that the rails nearest the camera do belong to the siding (points may be seen near the crossing gates), much easier to see in the large, 500x310 pixel picture. The running rail nearest the platform is in shadow but the other running rail can just be seen.

Also in the Edge Hill Light Railway section, the first photo', ehlr7, on going to the large picture, the image for ehlr1 is shewn. Love the collection - even the non-GWR ones.

Keep up the good work. You have several thousand pictures to examine and caption - and I get picky, sorry.

Ian md

Very interesting to see the photos of the railways that I was familiar with when I lived in Birmingham. Well organised site easy to find information.


Just had a look at the website again and read the caption under that superb painting of old New Street (if that makes sense?).
Sir, that MR 2F is nothing of the kind!!!!!!!!!!!
It is an ex-LNWR ‘Cauliflower’ 0-6-0 – also 2F but F.W.Webb is probably rotating in his grave at such an insult....... Whoops!!! Its now sorted.

David Walker.

Looks like an excellent start - keep up the good work. I will be in touch shortly.

David Walker.

Very interesting photographs and information. I will make use of it now I have found the web site. Keep up the good work as it must be very interesting to many people, they have just not bothered to thank you.

Best wishes, Bob Marshall

I worked at Nuneaton shed in the late fifties and early sixties and have many fond memories. You have some brilliant photos of the shed on this site, a very good website.

Well done. Peter Walduck

I have created a site specifically about memories of Rugby Motive Power Depot during the steam age. I was firing there between the years of 59–64, and I want to give those who are still left the chance to share memories and photos. It isn't a site like yours which has an extremely vast amount of excellent photos; it is more for dialogue between old mates.

I have added a link to my site for your site and in an effort to get the ‘news’ out to more former footplate men, I would like to ask you if you will put a link on your site back to mine. Its a pleasure - The site is both very interesting and entertaining. Thoroughly recommended.

Best regards John Pemberton

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