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Engine Sheds

Shipston-on-Stour Shed
Following the reconstruction of the Shipston branch for
steam locomotives a single road engine shed was provided for the branch engine
at Shipston-on-Stour in July 1889. During the first world war the train
services to Shipston were reduced and the motive power for the branch was
provided from Worcester shed. This allowed Shipston engine shed to be closed in
November 1916 and it was subsequently used for military purposes until the end
of hostilities in November 1918. The engine shed siding is believed to have
been removed in 1917, at the same time as the old Stratford tramway rails and
neither was ever reinstated. The engine shed was registered as being out of use
in October 1923 with a tenancy being arranged, but in a memo dated 28th May
1929 there was a proposal for the engine shed to be used as Garage
accommodation for Road Transport Department. In the 1930s and 1940s a GWR
delivery lorry was based in the engine shed to make collections and deliveries
in the local area.
The engine shed was a substantial red brick building with
internal dimensions; 41 feet long by 16 feet wide and the side walls were 13
feet 6 inches high. The roof was a gable style slated type and the ridge height
was 21 feet 3 inches. There were four ventilation stacks in the roof.
Internally there was 30 foot 9 inch inspection pit under the single road, but
there was no external pit or coaling stage facility provided. A second-hand
2000 gallon pillar water tank and crane was also provided when the engine shed
opened. The water for this was obtained from a 17 foot deep well near the
entrance of the engine shed. The branch engine was used to power the steam
elevator when water was required from the well. There was however issues with
the water quality at Shipston and instructions were issued that the water
should only be used for washouts and that normally water should be obtained at
Allocation 1st January 1901 - 0-6-0ST No 2015
Robert Ferris
Maps and schematic drawings
The LMS and its successor, British Railways, undertook to
film various aspects of operating steam locomotives and other railway
operations. We have provided below links to some of the films related to shed
operation that we know exist. When we ascertain films on GWR operations we
shall add these to the website too. Films on other aspects of railway
operations can be viewed via our Video and
Film Clip section.
"Wash and Brush Up" 1953 Shows the procedures that a steam
engine goes through as part of its regular maintenance cycle. The locomotive
being featured in the film is a British Railways Standard Class 5MT 4-6-0 No
73020 at 6D Chester (Midland shed. (25 minutes 19 seconds) |
LMS On the Shed - Part One of Two Various shots of an engine
being prepared and serviced ready for its next trip. Includes actions and
responsibilities of crew. (9 minutes 44 seconds) |
LMS On the
Shed - Part Two of Two Various shots of an engine being prepared and
serviced ready for its next trip. Includes actions and responsibilities of
crew. (9 minutes 31 seconds) |
