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Painting: Peter Annable (MGRA)

Mike Musson Collection

Guest Book - Page 2

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Have just discovered your brilliant web sight and I am so happy to see stuff that I was associated with many years ago. I worked at Monument Lane Loco from 1953 to 1961 starting as a cleaner and finished up as a top link fireman.

Thanks for a great web site - Brian Swancott

What a fabulous site! I live in Wrexham, North Wales & I'm an LNER & GCR fan!

Michael Cawood

Great site...

Bob Elleray

Great work! This website resource gets better every time I visit and I still keep stumbling across new and interesting sections to while away the hours.

Andy Doherty

Great site with some wonderful photographs. A useful addition would be some maps showing the locations of closed lines and stations, as I enjoy visiting these sites.

Matthew Jones

What a fantastic archive, good to see so many familiar places and names so accessible to a Leamingtonian exiled in County Durham. Long may you grow & continue.

Anthony Coulls

What a fabulous website I think you have all created. Well designed, informative, easy to use, packed with top class pictures.

Brian Begg-Robertson

It's a real pleasure to visit the site.

Andy Kirkham

It really is a well designed website containing a wealth of historical information.

David Morgan

Great website keep up the good work.


Great website - especially if you live in the area as I do. Never knew it existed!

Sheff of http://www.national-preservation.com

What a great website, Mike! Well done!

Sam Farrow

An excellent website which brings back memories of my time living in Coventry and formerly working for British Rail in the West Midlands. I look forward to spending more time browsing through it in the future.

David Ager - Signalman, West Somerset Railway

What a superb site! I look forward to seeing it grow. Have you considered a mailing list (a Yahoo Group, to which only you can post, for instance) to announce updates?

You list Perry Barr as: Perry Barr (Warwickshire?) Though once in Staffordshire, it became part of Birmingham (and thus Warwickshire) in 1928, as did Hamstead (also known as Great Barr) on the Grand Junction line to Walsall, via Bescot.

For other boundary changes, see: http://www.westmidlandbirdclub.com/warks/index.htm/boundaries

The stations from Longbridge to Kings Heath, which you list as Worcestershire, came into Birmingham, and thus Warwickshire, in 1911: http://www.westmidlandbirdclub.com/worcs/index.htm/boundaries

There were extensive industrial railways at Cadbury, Bournville and Saltley Gas Works, and at the M&B Brewery at Cape Hill (In Staffs, but may have crossed into Warks). There was a narrow-gauge railway at the Minworth sewage works.

Andy Mabbett

Like the site - been photographing at Leamington recently and wanted to see the old Avenue station

Cheers, Dave Skipsey

Thanks for an excellent web site!

Regards Stephen Weston (LNWR Society Newsletter Editor)

Very interesting site; I have referred to it extensively for research into the prototypical background my O Gauge garden railway based on the (fictional) assumption that the LMS developed the Stonebridge Railway - Whitacre - Hampton - after grouping with the Berkswell - Kenilworth line as a cut to send coal from North Warwickshire.

Michael Byng

An amazing collection! The geographical organisation makes this site especially interesting; thank you for letting us look.

Robin Leigh

Hi Mike. Fascinating site. As someone born and bred in Warwickshire it was great to see some of the local history. Is that all the photos you have (especially of Rugby and area inc Wolston and Marton)?


Great Site!

crispycritter - www.newrailwaymodellers.co.uk

Great site. Thanks very much.

John H-T of www.railwayforum.net

An excellent site. Just spent a happy half hour browsing round. A great idea to link your photos to a route map of the lines in the area.

Shed Cat of www.railwayforum.net

Great site - I could spend hours trawling through the site. Having grown up in the West Midlands in the late 1950's, the website brings back many memories and an insight into those areas that I didn't see. I shall be a regular visitor to the site.

Regards John Crompton

Hello. Nice looking site. Excellent information which is nicely structured. Good job.. keep it up. Congratulations to the entire team!

Best wishes from New York. Saidich

Wow! What a site. Excellent! I have spent some time researching my local station and looking for photo's of Rugby. I was unable to source any from local archives reference Rugby Shed; until now.

Ian Dunn

Hey Mike...Very nice site. I have forwarded the address to a few friends that have an interest in UK railroads. There was always something I liked about the British system of railroads but could never quite identify. Perhaps browsing your web pages will help me to figure it out. There is one thing I do know and that is the respect I have for the preservation efforts made to save your railroad history. Sadly, in general, such is not the case in the USA…


What an amazing site - well done! This site is full of information that I've been wanting to know for ages.

(Ex-Warwickshire lad but still has strong feelings for my old town where I first lived!)

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