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Painting: Peter Annable (MGRA)

Mike Musson Collection

Guest Book - Page 3

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Great information about various collections, hopefully will lead to success at getting photo's of the Selsey tramway near Chichester in West Sussex. Thanks for a great site and keep up the good work!

Neil Holmes

Many thanks for the memories brought back when I lived in Rugby as a kid. I lived next to the GC girder bridge, to the west side of it. As a kid we used to go through a hole in the fence to sit under the bridge to watch the trains go by and get covered with rust when a train went over the top !!! What fun days.........

Take care all. Richard from Roswell, Georgia, USA

I spent many happy hours in the 50's at the trackside opposite the Water Orton Junction signalbox. Visiting your well informed site brought back many memories. Thank You!

Graham Mannall

Many thanks for the opportunity for me to view again the ex-LMS and BR scene - as I now live in Australia and have only a child's memories of the late 50s and early 60s. My maternal grandfather, Thomas Dyke of Spondon in Derbyshire, worked for the LMS and lastly BR. A most enjoyable visit.

Paul Cannon

A very interesting website which I have been visiting for some months. I have found an error in your spelling of 'Wooton Wawen', you have it as 'Wooten Wawen'. Keep up the good work.

John Fancote

An accidental discovery. Great memories from my youth. My father was a signalman in No 1 box at Rugby (retiring in 1965) and I spent many a happy Sunday with him after taking him his lunch. My fascination for the LMS and steam in particular has been rekindled. Many thanks

Roger Garratt

I was so thrilled to find your site and indulge myself in memories of Brinklow Railway station. I come from Brinklow and was born in 1951. In those early years of my life I was often walked from the village up to the station. I loved going inside and remember the wooden floor and window at the rear. I would press my nose up against it, waiting with eager anticipation of seeing a train.

It was so exciting when one came into view and I remember so clearly, the sound and the vibration, as it passed underneath us, followed of course - by the steam!! We were satisfied with such simple pleasures back then. Do you happen to know when Brinklow Station was demolished? Looking at you site which is excellent, has been a joy for me - a trip down memory lane and I wish to express my thanks to you.

Jean Mills

Wonderful site. Takes me back to my childhood seeing engines in and out of 2B Shed, and the surrounding areas.

Colin Bishop

Thanks for an excellent site.

Bernard Dodd

I live in Poleswoth not far from the station which is now closed and can see the trains from my bedroom window. It is nice to see it as it was when I was a youngster.

John Holland

Great historic pictures. I drive trains on the West Coast Main Line and its great to see how the railway use to look compared to what is left to see today. Thank you for all the hard work.

Gary Nuthall

Keep up the good work – a very interesting site

Mel Quick

I have spent many hours looking through this site which I am sure I have read from start to finish many times. As a young boy I spent many hours trainspotting at Rugby Midland Station and saving my pocket money in the late fifties and early sixties to get a platform ticket and getting a name tag printed on metal strip on platform two.

Now that I have retired and with a hobby background in model railway construction and computer generated 3D imaging I wish to embark upon the task of recreating Rugby Midland Station as it was whilst the signal gantry was still in place by the LNER girder or Birdcage bridge.

I wonder if you could help me. I am in dire need of a track plan. Absolutely anything will do. Ideally I should like to recreate the tracks 3 miles either side of the station. If someone could point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. A great site, absolutely invaluable not least as a reference source.

Best wishes, John Pointon

Glad to have found this website. Wonderful photos of that bygone age. My own period of observation and photography of the GC around Rugby (and beyond) spanned the years 1957-1965.

Tony Newman

Just the sort of website we have been looking for, with reference to books on branch lines around rugby I didnt know existed. Thanks.

Andrew and Alex Lection

Congratulations on a great nostalgic rail site. Wonderful collection of photos & video clips. Long may you reign.

Brian Craggs

What a great site. Now I know what the strange blue brick paved terraces in The Dog car park at Water Orton were for! Keep up the good work.

Mike Newport

Great site good luck in expanding it

Chris Griffin

An excellent website

David Tindale

About 60 years ago I emerged from a Euston train in order to go across to Snow Hill to make the final stage of my journey back to my unit in Salop. The arched canopy glass of the station had been badly damaged by a fall of incendiaries and had not yet been repaired.... more

R.C. Bovill

I have placed the Warwickshire Railways amongst my favourites so that I can find it for future viewing.

Best regards Alan Sainty

What a splendid site. I am about to start modelling Four Oaks station in the early '60s and your photos have provided excellent material. I'll return again to view and read the entries.

Alan Sheasby

A most enjoyable site. I live in Rugby and particularly enjoyed the pictures of Rugby station albeit they depict a period before I moved here. However, I have to claim the prize for the deliberate mistake. The loco in photo lnwrrm723 is actually 71000 "Duke of Gloucester"; Britannia is number 70000.

All the best. Eric Seddon

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