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Painting: Peter Annable (MGRA)

Mike Musson Collection

Guest Book - Page 4

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A great site with lots of old photographs taking me back many years. I used to live near Erdington on the Birmingham New Street to Lichfield line and traveled into Birmingham often (I prefer the original station to the current one). Now I commute from Sutton Coldfield through to Kings Norton every day - it's nice to see how the all the stations I pass through used to be.

The photograph you have of Erdington (Erdington: lnwre48) is of Chester Road - the next station along, as Erdington is as you say in the notes, has a straight platform. Keep it up.

Robin Rose

You ask do we think your site is worthwhile?! Absolutely well worthwhile. It is totally fascinating and absorbing. Having lived only a few hundred yards away from what was Milverton station for 20 years I have learnt more about this subject in 20 minutes than in all those years. Keep up your splendid work, you are keeping history alive and without people such as yourselves it would be fragmented and lost forever. All the best to you.

Regards Terry Molloy

Having worked at Monument Lane Loco in 1958 as a cleaner and then Fireman I have been looking for some old photos and finding your site has brought back many memories for me, thank you and keep up the good work.

John Williams

Firstly I must say I think this is an excellent site - Robert then provided some corrections and additional information. Subsequently Robert has kindly taken on the task of writing the captions to additional photographs focusing on the Bearley to Alcester line (click here to view) - Robert finishes his guest entry by writing, "Keep up the good work."

Robert Ferris

I thought you'd be interested in the attached picture. My great grandfather was the station master there in 1912 and is seen on the left. This and a pencil written letter of the confirmation of his appointment is all that I have which was passed on to me when my father died some years ago. I'm certain of the date of the picture as he was one there only for 6 months as he died suddenly from a brain tumour.

I recently discovered your site and what a fantastic one it is too. It has re-awakened my interest in the railways and in particular that of Kenilworth Station and the junction. Both my parents were born and raised in Kenilworth (I too lived there for a few years) and many years ago my father and I started to make a 00 gauge model of the station and surrounds but never got very far – the incomplete base board was in my bed room and we were just guessing at the track layout, my teenage years came along and I found other interests!

I'm now keen to learn some more about the station and the pictures on your site are very good but I just can't find any station plans on the Internet. I have recently bought Robin Leach's book 'Kenilworth's Railway Age' but no luck there. I was wondering if you had access to his ‘Rails to Kenilworth and Milverton' to see if such plans are in there. I could get the book from Amazon but it would take 6 weeks and I'm a little impetuous.

should also say that railways are very much in the blood as my Great Grand Uncle was a locomotive inspector and my Great Great grand father and mother were both recorded in the Census as Station Masters at I think Leighton Buzzard.

Keep up the good work and I look forward to hearing from you.

Paul Rivitt

Wonderful nostalgic trip back to Handsworth and Smethwick Station.... a pound for each hour spent there during the glorious 1950s ah ....thanks for the memories.

Incidentally I recall a small loading/unloading bay off the North side of the station adjacent to the down main line, I can't see it on the photos although I know it was there as I sat on that damned uncomfortable railway line fence that ran from this station building up towards Wattville Road bridge. The bay often contained a couple of wagons. What wonderful memories of long SUNNY afternoons during school holidays.

Shut up you nostalgic old fool

Terence Perks

For some time, I have been trying to find out more about the history of the GWR line from Birmingham to Leamington including the old Rowington Junction - Henley in Arden branch. Your project has been been a mine of information, especially the photographs of the original stations at Acocks Green and Olton. Thank you very much for your efforts in what seems to be a vast subject

Kevin Dudley

Thank you for a very interesting site, I have been looking for photos on Coundon Road and Foleshill Stations for ages. As a young lad in the fifties I spent many an hour at Coundon Road as I lived a few roads away.

In 1962 I joined the railway at Coventry Station and I spent a few months on loan to Foleshill Station and I even spent a morning at Coundon Road opening up the booking office as Mr Palmer was the station master for both Foleshill and Coundon Road.

Later in the mid sixties I was the Rail Freight delivery driver for Kenilworth for three years. By this time the station had closed and all parcels were delivered from Coventry Station. Keep up the good work.

David Stephenson

I am becoming increasingly interested in railway history, and have been delighted to find your website. I guess that you may be familiar with the book Our Iron Roads which was published in the 1870's and includes illustrations and anecdotes from Rugby dating from when the railway was built in the 1830's.

I also have a newspaper cutting dated 1954 which notes the retirement of a Marton man who worked at Marton station form 1913 until his retirement in 1954! He worked Martons signal box for all but 12 months of that time on a two shift basis alone. I trust that this may be of some sort of interest to you.

Is there any sort of Historical Railway Society in Rugby area do you know? I live in Marton. Thank you again for this site, and best wishes.

George Compton

Marvellous! This is the site I have been looking for!

Positive Searcher

As I grew up beside the North Warwickshire Line (and travelled to school in Stratford by train for some 10 years in the 50s and 60s, first from Wilmcote and then from Milcote) I've really enjoyed persusing your site.

Keep up the good work! Kevin Flynn
(Kevin was also kind enough to provide detailed information and corrections to a number of the photographs in the area).

Enjoyed your web site, especially the Leamington pre-group photos. Mouth watering.

Good luck. Alan Woodard

A very informative site - I've been trying to piece together the logic behind some of the disused bridges and lines around Leamington and it's helped a lot (though I'm still a little confused by it all).

Richard Tysoe

Great site.

Cheers, Iain Jack

I find your work of creating this historical archive fascinating. Please keep up the good work and I look forward to spending more time looking around your site in due course.

As far as the Alcester branch is concerned I’ve taken a couple of shots recently…They were taken just down the road from the Edstone aqueduct while I was searching for location shots for the Shakespeare Express on the Shakespeare Line.

Regards Clive Hanley of clive-hanley.fotopic.net

Just found your great website, the white hut on "The Lakes" station was a ticket office and was only in use for about 2 years.

Keep up the good work. Jim Hadley

Good day to you all, can I ask a question please, referring to Milverton Station and sheds? I can see from your site the sheds closed in 1958 but were used for storage somewhile after 1958. The station itself, as far as I can gather closed in 1965? If this date is correct did it close for passengers and goods in the same year? Thanks for taking the time to read this.

PS. Can you send someone round to mow my lawn, I'm spending too much time on your brilliant website !!??

Terry Molloy

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