LMS Route: Trent Valley Line
Shilton Station: lnwr_shil2379a
Close up of image'lnwr_shil2379' showing on the left the
weighbridge and some of the wagons being stabled in Shilton's short single
siding. In the siding on the extreme right is a cattle truck which has been
stabled adjacent to the cattle ramp. In the centre of the wagons is a coal
wagon with 'Haunchwood' on its sides. Peter Lee writes 'Haunchwood (Nowells)
Colliery was one of the oldest pit workings in Warwickshire, and records
indicate it was producing coal in 1729. On July 7th 1925 Nowells Colliery
ceased coal winding and two submersible pumps were fitted down the shafts.
These were used to keep the Tunnel Pit's seams free of water. They were
retained until the colliery closed on March 25th 1967.