London North Western
Midland Junction Railway

LMS Route: Rugby to Leamington
The Rugby & Leamington Railway was purchased by the
London North Western Railway (LNWR) soon after its incorporation and built the
line itself. The line from Rugby's LNWR station to Leamington (Avenue) was
first opened on 1st March 1851 and was originally built as a single line
throughout. Birdingbury and Marton were the initial intermediate stations
opening with the line and provided both passenger and goods services from the
outset. Dunchurch was opened for passenger services on 2nd October 1871 and its
goods yard from 1st February 1872. Ralph Rawlinson wrote in LNWR Yahoo Groups,
'In 1863 there were six passenger trains on weekdays and one on Sundays the
journey taking 40 minutes'. Ralph continued 'Most of the line was
doubled by 1884 and traffic slowly increased until by 1922 eleven trains were
run. In 1949 it was down to six trains on weekdays but these ran to and from
Warwick. The passenger service was withdrawn in 1959 but the line remained open
as far as Marton Junction until 1985 to serve the Portland Cement Quarry at
Southam on the line to Weedon.'
Ralph noted the route when opened 'diverged from the West
Coast Main Line (WCML) at Leamington Branch Junction (SP500761) ¾ mile
west of Rugby Midland station and headed south west soon passing under Lawford
Road (A428). After passing through a cutting it turned more to the south and
bridged the A427 to reach Dunchurch station on the A45 (near the M45). Another
cutting led to Birdingbury where it bridged the River Leam and at Marton in
passed over the A423. The line from Weedon trailed from the South East at
Marton Junction and after a further two miles it bridged the Grand Union Canal
and gradually swung west to run alongside the GWR main line to reach Leamington
Spa Avenue station (SP316653).'
According to Colin Maggs in his book 'Branch Lines of
Warwickshire' the timetables showed few significant changes over the years
with the number of trains rising from seven down and eight up trains in August
1887, to nine trains in each direction in April 1910, whilst records for July
1922 saw eleven trains in each direction. Colin also notes the time taken to
complete the 15¾ mile journey increased over the years, from a 36 minute
journey in 1887, to 40 minutes in 1910 and finally to 45 minutes in 1922. A
Euston to Leamington service was provided between July 1908 and December 1912
by slipping a coach at Rugby and attaching it to a Leamington bound train. It
would be a mistake to believe the growth in passenger traffic justified the
decision to double the line as this was more likely connected to the growth in
goods traffic, particularly coal traffic from the North Warwickshire coal
fields, and the need to divert this away from the Trent Valley, Birmingham to
Rugby and Rugby to Euston routes. Regular passenger services on the Rugby to
Leamington line were withdrawn on 15th June 1959, although diverted passenger
services caused by engineering work occasionally used the line after this date.
In particular, during the 1960s this line was used as an important diversionary
route for Coventry and Birmingham passenger trains while the WCML was
electrified. General goods traffic lasted a few years longer but the line
closed as a through route in the mid-1960s.
Bob Haddon writes, 'During the 1960s this line was used
as an important diversionary route for Coventry and Birmingham passenger trains
while the WCML was electrified. Diesel Multiple Units (DMUs) were used and left
the north end bay at Rugby Midland and went on past Leamington Spa and turned
down the Leamington-Coventry line and made the first stop at Kenilworth. Here
you changed train for Coventry as our original train turned off at Kenilworth
Junction for Hampton-in-Arden and Birmingham New Street. The Coventry
passengers then crossed over the footbridge to await a service coming from
Birmingham New Street via Berkswell before reversing to Coventry. I well
remember seeing 'The Royal Scot' on Sundays coming this way as it went via
Birmingham New Street, on Sundays only, for a number of years. How many other
named trains came this way I do not know'.
Roger Stanton writes in the same group, 'I certainly
remember the Leamington branch very well and what memories it brings back. Even
fishing on the long since filled-in Paragon pit we used to see the Leamington
flyer as we called it breeze past along with the daily chalk working from
Dunstable I believe generally with a Rugby or Bletchley Duck 8. I think I
mentioned before seeing the electrification diversions at Birdingbury hauled by
just about anything London Midland with wheels under it and on one trip to
Liverpool on an excursion we did the full route using the Berkswell cutoff. The
Ivatt 2 tanks varied a bit over the years after the 419xx jobs had gone. No
41214 was a favourite for years but others including No 41323 put in an
appearance. Rugby had several on its books but the others disappeared off to
the sub-shed at Seaton (unbeknown to us) and I suppose they got swapped about
as they required service etc. I've had a look at the photos on the site and old
No 41162 makes an appearance as when I started spotting the compounds at Rugby
were often seen as station pilot but one day just disappeared!! In my early
days Rugby may as well have been Fort Knox as it wasn't easy to bunk. However
my first memories of getting round are the scrap lines which revealed all
including half a dozen Fowler tanks which had been banished from Hull
Springhead or Botanic Gardens. Rare birds indeed.!!'
Ed Purcell writes in the same group, 'Interesting
information about the diversions from WCML . I may be able to add a bit. The
Royal Scot (and the other WCML expresses) did use the Coventry line on many
Sundays in the late 1950s / early 1960s. However, they never went through New
Street. They used the Stechford - Aston (normally freight only) line and thence
via Bescot to come out north of Wolverhampton on the Stafford line before
rejoining the WCML. Occasionally they used the Hednesford - Rugeley line,
though I gather the latter was less common. Aston was the place to be on some
Sundays in 1960 - 62 as the WCML services all ran through and occasionally the
NE/SW route ran through there as well with diversions to that route. This meant
the length of the station at Aston served both routes - replacing Tamworth as
the crossing point for those two routes. As I recall No 46129 was quite often
seen on the Sunday Royal Scot ( instead of a pacific) and No 71000 was often on
the down 'Red Rose'. The class 44 Peaks were on the WCML at that time as well
as the Class 40s. It was not uncommon to see a steam/ diesel double header
because of the unreliability of the diesels (particularly the 40s)'.
The 1869 Timetable
The Timetable seen below reflects how the LNWR's Officer's
Meetings, comprising of the Officers responsible for each district, addressed
problems, monitored situations and carried out operational changes in order to
ensure the maximum efficiency for the least cost was achieved. In this instance
the issue was the speed that trains needed to attain in order to meet the
timetable. Its noted in the minutes of 14th October 1868 (Item 3564)
that a Mr Cawkwell attended the meeting (he's not listed as one of the Officers
so clearly he was a subordinate) who drew attention to the speed of the Trains
down the inclines from Leamington to Rugby and from Leamington to Coventry. Mr
Roberts who was an officer in attendance at the meeting was instructed to
submit a proposal to Mr Mason (another officer in attendance) for revising the
Trains, so as to allow more time.
At the subsequent meeting held on the 20th November 1868.
The minutes noted (Item 3714) that Mr Roberts had reported that the
rescheduling of trains on the Leamington Branches had entailed the employment
of additional Guard for a portion of each day. The employment of the Guard was
approved. However this action had consequences as Mr Roberts reported at the
Officer's Meeting held on 16th December 1868 (Item 3797) that, in
consequence of the alterations of the services on the Rugby and Leamington, and
Coventry and Leamington branches, an additional Passenger Guard had to be
transferred to Coventry, and that another Guard had to be appointed at
Birmingham to fill the place of the man so removed. This was approved by this
However clearly this was not the end of the issue as at the
following Officer's Meeting held on 13th January 1869, it was reported (Item
3918) the necessity for the appointment of the additional guard for working
the Leamington Trains was to be demonstrated. Thus Mr Roberts was requested to
furnish Mr Mason with a diagram of each Guard's working before, and since, the
change of Trains was been carried out. This examination was obviously
successful as at the LNWR Officer Meeting Minutes for the 17th February 1869
(Item 3979) it was reported that a revised timetable for the trains on
the Leamington Branches, was recommended for adoption, under which the
additional Guard previously put on can be dispensed with.
Route continues on to Nuneaton via Coventry
Signal and Telecommunications
The following notes record the various changes made during
the 1960s.
Tuesday, 12th December
1961 Marton Station The signal box will be abolished.
All the signal arms will be removed and all points clipped and padlocked out of
Tuesday, 1st December
1964 Dunchurch Station The signal box will be
abolished, all signal arms will be taken away and all points clipped, spiked
and padlocked out of use.
Sunday, 15 May
1966 Between Southam & Long Itchington, Marton Junction,
Leamington Spa Avenue Station and Milverton Station and between Leamington Spa
General South and North. The Up and Down Main lines between Milverton
and Marton Jn. boxes will be taken out of use from a point approximately 480
yards on the Milverton side of Avenue box to a point approximately 716 yards on
the Avenue side of Marton Jn. box the Up and Down Main lines will be severed at
the point approximately 42 yards on the Marton Jn. side of Avenue box and stop
blocks provided at the point of severance at the end of the portion on the
Avenue side. The Up and Down Main lines will be severed at a point
approximately 710 yards on the Marton Jn. side of the Milverton box and will be
connected to new Up and Down Branch lines 384 yards long giving access to the
Up and Down Main lines at Leamington Spa North box by means of a double
Junction situated opposite the box. The new Branch line will be worked between
Milverton and North boxes, in accordance with the Absolute Block
Regulations. The former Up Main and Down Main lines from the point of
severance at Milverton station to the new stop blocks mentioned above will
become sidings forming a Coal Concentration Depot.
Leamington Spa Avenue Station The signalbox will
be abolished and all signals worked therefrom taken away with the exception of
the Up Main line Distant signal (carried as a lower arm below the Up Starting
signal for Milverton box) which will become the Up Branch line Distant signal
for North box, and will be approximately 560 yards from the Home signal. A
Western Region Automatic Warning System ramp will be provided at this
signal. The Avenue ground frame situated on the Milverton Station side of
the box will be taken away together with the trailing crossover between the
former Up and Down Main lines (now sidings) and the slip connection therein to
the Up Sidings and trap points in the Sidings worked therefrom. The Up
Sidings will be connected to the former Up Main line (now a siding) by a hand
worked connection in approximately the same position as the former slip
connection. The trailing crossover between the former Up Main and Down Main
lines (now sidings) and the slip connection therein to the Up Sidings situated
approximately 185 yards on the Milverton side of the box will be taken
away. The Horse Dock of the Up Siding together with the trailing connection
thereto from the former Main line (now siding) will be taken away together with
the Bay line and the trailing connection thereto from the former Down Main line
(now siding) all situated on the Marton Jn. side of the box. Nos.1 and 2
Exchange Sidings together with the trailing connection thereto from the former
Down Main line (now siding) will be taken away. The former Down Main line
will be slued into the former Up Main line (now sidings) and connected thereto
by a hand worked connection facing in the Up direction, situated approximately
420 yards on the Milverton side of the new stop blocks. These sidings will be
connected to the new Up Branch line by a facing connection with trap points in
the siding situated at the point of the severing of the main lines mentioned
above and worked by a ground frame named "Coal Depot Ground Frame", which will
be provided situated outside the Up Main line. This ground frame will also work
the adjacent trailing crossover between the Up Main and Down Main lines
previously laid in and clipped, spiked and padlocked out of use and which will
now be brought into use. A hand worked crossover will be provided between
the new sidings opposite the former box with points in the former Up Main line
approximately 20 yards from the new stop block.
Marton Junction The Down Main line will be severed
at a point approximately 744 yards on the Leamington Spa Side of the trailing
crossover between the Up Main and Down Main lines worked from the ground frame.
A stop block will be provided at the point of severance at the end of the
portion on the Marton Jn. side. The points in the up Main line of this
crossover will be clipped, spiked and padlocked for movements through the
crossover. The <> sign will be taken away from the post of the Up Main
line Home signal.
Milverton The Down Main line Distant signal
carried as a lower arm below the Down Main line Starting signal for Avenue
Station box will be taken away. A Down Branch line Distant signal will be
provided carried on a straight post 18 feet above rail level situated outside
the Down branch line approximstely 1185 yards from the box. This signal will be
approximately 791 yards from the Down Home signal and will be controlled by
North box. The Down Main line Home signal will in future also be controlled
by North box and fitted with intensified lighting and the Warning signal
carried as a lower arm below this signal will be taken away. A telephone sign
will be provided at this signal.
Leamington Spa North A Down Main to Branch line
Home signal will be provided bracketed out to the right of the Down Main line
Home signal and stepped lower than that signal. A Down Platform to Down
Branch line Home signal will be provided bracketed out to the right on the Down
Platform to Down Main line Home signal and stepped lower than that signal. A
Down Bay to Down Branch line Home signal will be provided bracketed out to the
right of the Down Bay to Down Main line Home signal and stepped lower than that
signal. The bottom arm of the 3-arm dwarf shunting signal situated between
the Up Platform and Up Main lines at the Warwick end of the platform at present
out of use will be brought into use and will read from the Up Platform line to
the Down Branch line. The bottom arm of the 3-arm dwarf shunting signal
situated between the Up Main and Down Main lines opposite the Warwick end of
the platform at present out of use will be brought into use and will read from
the Up Main line to the Down Branch line. The dwarf shunting signal (fitted
with a white light} situated outside the Parcels Depot Siding adjacent to the
points of the connection from the Down Platform line reading from the Parcels
Depot to the Down Main line will in future additionally read to the Down Branch
line. A banner repeating signal working in conjunction with the Down
Platform to Down Branch line Home signal will be provided situated on the right
of the banner repeating signal working in conjunction with the Down Platform to
Down Main line repeating signal. An Up Branch line Home 1 signal (With lower
Up Branch line Distant signal for South box) will be provided carried on a
straight post, 26 feet above rail level situated outside the Up Branch line
approximately 398 yards on the Milverton side of the box. A theatre type route
indicator will be provided below the Distant signal working in conjunction with
the Home signal and displaying the following indications:-
P - to Up Platform line M - to Up Main
line. The Up Branch line Distant signal will be approximately 937 yards from
the Home signal for South box. A telephone sign will be provided at this
signal. A Western Region Automation Warning System ramp will be provided at
this signal. A dwarf shunting signal will be provided situated at the foot of
this signal worked from the Coal Depot ground frame reading from the Up Branch
line to the Coal Concentration Depot sidings.
Leamington Spa South The connection between No.1
Engineers Siding and No.1 Exchange Siding together with the associated dwarf
shunting signals situated immediately on the north side of the box will be
taken away.
Sunday, 4th June
1967 Between Bilton Sidings and Southam-Marton
Junction Marton Junction signal box will be closed. The two-lever ground
frame, situated on the Leamington side of the box and controlling the crossover
road between the Up and Down Main lines adjacent thereto, will be taken out of
use. All points formerly worked from the box will become hand worked, With the
exception of the following, which will be secured for movements as
The trailing points of the crossover road in the Up Main line,
formerly controlled from the ground frame, will be secured for through
movements from the Down Main line to the Up Main line; The facing points in
the Up Main line of the connection to the Southam Branch will be secured for
through movements along the Up Main line to Rugby; The trap points in the
single line from Southam will be secured for movemnts to and from the
branch; The facing connection from the Southam Branch line to the Up and
Down Main lines will be secured for through movements between the Down Main
line and the Single line. All signal arms controlled from the box will be
taken away. A new notice board, situated outside the Down Main line on the
Rugby side of the box, lettered, "End of Down Line", will be provided. A new
notice board, situated outside the Up Main line on the Rugby side of the box,
lettered "Commencement of Up Line", will be provided. The catch points in
the Down Main line, 577 yards before reaching the former Down Main line Outer
Home signal, will be secured out of use for through movements over the Down
Main line.
Bilton Sidings The Up and Down Main lines between
this box and the new notice boards at Marton Junction, together with the Single
line from Marton Junction to Southam (end of branch), will be worked in
accordance with the "One Engine in Steam" Regulations. The staff will be
lettered "TO SOUTHAM AND LONG ITCHINGTON' . The "One Engine in Steam"
Regulations will apply from the Down Main line Starting signal at this box to
the end of the branch at Southam, and on the return route, to the Up Main line
Home signal for this box. Trains travelling from Bilton Sidings to Marton
Junction must travel over the Down Main line and return over the Up Main
Thursday, 8th June
1967 Bilton Sidings The trailing connection from the
Down Main line to the Down Siding will be secured out of use, pending removal.
The associated dwarf shunting signal situated in the siding will be taken away.
The dwarf shunting signal, situated between the Up and Down Main lines on the
Leamington side of the box, reading set back Down Main line to Up Main line or
Siding, will cease to apply to the Siding.
Sunday, 22nd September
1968 Between Rugby and Southam & Long
Itchington The line between Rugby and Marton Junction will become a
Single line. This section. of line, together with the Single line between
Marton Junction and Southam. & Long Itchington, will be worked in
accordance with the "One Engine in Steam" Regulations. The Train Staff will be
painted blue, will be lettered "Rugby to Southam Branch" and will release all
the ground frames on the single line. Except when in use, the Train Staff will
be kept in the possession of the Yard Foreman at Rugby.
Rugby The former Down Leamington line will become
the "Up and Down" Single line between Rugby and Marton Junction. An
illuminated double-sided notice board, situated between the former Up and Down
Leamington lines, adjacent to the position light shunting signal number RY.171,
lettered, facing Rugby: "Commencement of Single Line" and, facing Marton.
Junction: "End of Single Line - Stop and Telephone", will be provided. Position
light shunting signal RY.171 will control movements from the Single line. The
telephone adjacent to position light shunting signal RY.169 must be used to
contact the signal box. Leamington Siding 1 will be taken out of use. The
facing points from the former Down Leamington line to the former Leamington
Siding 1 will be secured out of use pending removal. The trailing connection
from the Up Slow line to the Up Leamington line will be secured out of use,
pending removal. The facing connection in the Shunting line, leading to
Leamington Siding 1, will be secured out of use, pending removal. The
associated position light signal, RY.166, will read only to the English
Electric Co's siding. The trailing connection in the Down Leamington line
from the Shunting line, will be secured out of use, pending removal. The
crossover road between the Up and Down Leamington lines, together with the slip
connection to Leamington Siding 1, will be secured out of use pending
removal. The up Leamington line Home signal, RY.172, will be taken. out of
use pending removal. The position light shunting signal, RY.169, situated
outside Leamington Siding 1 will be taken out of use, pending
removal. Position light shunting signal RY.171, situated between the former
Down Leamington line and Leamington Siding 1, will now read only along Down
Leamington line towards signal RY.165 and will cease to display any route
indication. Signal RY.157, situated at the exit from the Down Sidings, will
cease to apply to Leamington Siding 1 and display the route indication
"L.S.1".` The route indication displayed, together with a main aspect, will
read to the Single line. A shunt aspect, without any route indication, will be
displayed for shunting Movements towards the Single line as far as the notice
board. Signal RY.158, situated between the Down Goods line and the Down
Sidings, will cease to apply to Leamington Siding 1 and display the route
indication "L.S.1". The route indication 'L' displayed, together with a main
aspect, will read to the Single line. A shunt aspect, without any route
indica-tion, will be displayed for shunting movements towards the single line
as far as the notice board. Signal RY.163, situated outside the Shunting
line, will cease to apply to Leamington Siding 1 and display the route
indication "L.S.1.". The route indication `L' displayed, together with a. main
aspect, will read to the Single line. A shunt aspect, without any route
indication, will be displayed for shunting movements towards the Single line as
far as the notice board.
Bilton Sidings The signal box will be closed and
all signals worked therefrom taken away. Points controlled from the box will be
dealt with as shown below. A new ground frame, situated outside the former
Down Main line adjacent to the east crossover road and controlling the
crossover road, will be provided. This ground frame will be known as East
Ground Frame and will be released by the Train Staff. A new ground frame,
situated outside the former Down Main line adjacent to the west crossover and
controlling the crossover road, will be provided. This ground frame will be
known as West Ground Frame and will be released by the Train Staff. The
former Up Main line will be retained from the connection with the west
crossover to a point approximately 440 yards on the Rugby side of the East
Ground Frame for shunting purposes. A buffer stop will be provided at the Rugby
end of this shunting line. The trailing connections from the former Up Main
line to the Grain Silo Sidings and Bilton Sidings will become handworked
points. A telephone with loud sounding bell, situated at a point between the
new East and West ground frames, will be provided. This telephone will give
comunication. with Rugby Power Signalbox.
Marton Junction The former Up Main line to Rugby
will be severed at a point approximately 150 yards on the Rugby side of the
crossover road between the former Up and Down Main lines and a buffer stop will
be provided. The notice board, situated outside the former Up Main line and
lettered "Commencement of Up Line", will be taken away. The notice board,
situated outside the former Down Main line and lettered "End of Down Line" will
be replaced by a new double-sided board lettered facing Rugby, "End of Single
Line" and, facing Leamington, "Commencement of Single Line". A new double
sided notice board, situated to the left of the Single line in the Up
direction, on the approach side to Marton Junction, lettered, facing
Leamington, "Commencement of Single Line" and facing Southam & Long
Itchington, "End of Single Line", will will be provided. The direction of
line between Southam & Long Itchington and Rugby will be "Up"
Southam & Long Itchington The crossover road
between the Up and Down Crossing Loop lines, controlled from the adjacent
ground frame, will be secured out of use, pending removal.
Mike Hodgson
