London North Western
Midland Junction Railway

LMS Route: Rugby to Wolverhampton
The Rugby to Wolverhampton route was essentially built by
two railway companies, the section from Birmingham (Curzon Street) to London
via Rugby being built by the London & Birmingham Railway (L&BR)
whilst the section from Birmingham New Street to Wolverhampton was built by the
Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Stour Valley Railway Company under the
auspices of the LNWR. The L&BR, together with the Grand Junction Railway
and the Manchester and Birmingham Railway, having merged together to form the
London & North Western Railway whilst the BW&SVR line was acquired by
the LNWR. The section of line between Curzon Street (the original L&BR and
GJR termini) and New Street was built by the London & North Western
The following is an extract from one of Reg
Kimber's scrapbooks compiled over 50 years.
The Evolution of the Premier Line
An article by TB Fowler which appeared in the
Coventry Evening Telegraph on 17th September 1938
WHEN the London arid Birmingham Railway was opened in
its entirety, on September 17, 1838, the promoting company secured the dual
distinction of owning the first main line to enter London, and the longest
railway system then in existence - 112 ¼ miles. At the time it was
visualised as the great trunk railway from London to the North, but the
developments in transport services that were witnessed imparted to the
enterprise a significance, far exceeding anything the promoters' had
anticipated. Branch lines from Blisworth to Northampton and Peterborough,
and from Coventry to Warwick and Leamington and later the Birmingham and Derby
Junction Railway linking up at Hampton-in-Arden, provided arteries through
which traffic of all kinds poured in a continuous stream. Moreover, the
Grand Junction Railway from Birmingham to Liverpool; the Liverpool and
Manchester, with such subsidiary lines as the Warrington and Newton; the Wigan
and Preston; Preston and Lancaster; and Lancaster and Carlisle, some of which
had been planned without any relationship to the others, opened up facilities
for direct communications between London and Carlisle, a distance of 299
¼ miles.
Promoters' Long Struggle
Thus - the way was paved primarily for the union of
the London and Birmingham and Grand, Junction railways under the title of the
London and North Western Railway, and eventually for the great grouping scheme
which brought eight constituent and 27 subsidiary companies - owning 6,334
route miles, and 19,383 track miles, into the London Midland and Scottish
system. It is on record that no private Bill was ever more strictly
scrutinised than that of the London and Birmingham Railway in spite of the
weight of argument brought to the support of the proposal by industrial
interests, which were suffering heavily from the lack of adequate means of
transport, it took two years to get the Act sanctioning the undertaking through
Parliament, and from first to last, the most determined opposition had to be
encountered both in and out of the House of Commons. While the work of
construction was in progress anxieties and difficulties accumulated. Almost
immediately there was a big jump in the price of materials. At one period seven
contracts were thrown on the company's hands. A sum of £370,000 more than
was bargained for had to be paid for land, the price averaging £315 per
acre in the Birmingham area, and £335 per acre in London. Up to January
1838, the expenditure, as a result of unexpected troubles had exceeded the
estimates by nearly one and a half millions, aggregating £3,931,829.
Both at Euston and, the Birmingham terminus at Curzon
Street imposing station buildings were erected. The structures in each case
were of bold design, with Doric porticos, and the new notes struck in, this
direction, as well as in the engineering works and general constructional
details, - added to the public interest with which the opening of the line, was
regarded. As early as 7.15 a.m. on the chosen day a special train left
Euston for Birmingham for the inaugural run the passengers including Mr George
Carr Glyn, the chairman of the Company, together with the directors and
visitors, Mr Stephenson, the, engineer, Mr Bury, the locomotive superintendent,
and Mr Creed, the secretary, while HRH the Duke of Sussex travelled with the
party as far as Rugby. The visitors spent one hour in Birmingham, and then
returned to Euston, where a ceremonial banquet was held. All along the route
the greatest of enthusiasm was displayed, and the passing of the first ordinary
train, timed to leave London at 8 am., was the signal for local festivities at
all the stations on the new part of the railway. Change was the order of the
times, and Denbigh Hall station, a well- known landmark.-was demolished, the
materials being used in the building of the station at Bletchley.
Notable Railway Administrator
But it was in the increased power and influence of the
railways that that most convincing results, were achieved, The London and
Birmingham succeeded on its merits. As indicated, it was well served by its
branches and a further strengthening factor was found in the Midland Counties
line, which, joining up at Rugby on July 1, 1840, handed over its traffic from
Derby, Nottingham, Leicestershire, and the north for conveyance to
London. As an independent line, the London and Birmingham Railway lasted for
eight eventful years, and when the merger with the Grand Junction was effected,
its chairman, Mr. Glyn, continued to act in the same capacity with the London
and North Western. The new and large company became, from its inception, a
challenging force in the railway world. Owning what was given the proud title
of the "Premier Line," though of less mileage than the Great Western, and
smaller capital than the Midland it was able to show the largest annual revenue
and was richest in rolling stock. It was particularly fortunate in its
executive, at the head of which stood Captain Huish, one of the most able
railway administrators and diplomatists of the age. A masterful man. Captain
Huish was as enterprising as he was resourceful, and he was responsible for
important developments in several directions, though his methods sometimes
exposed him to sharp criticism.
In 1846 the London and North Western Company
established at Crewe the largest and most complete locomotive works in the
Kingdom, and here the genius of such famous locomotive engineers - as Francis
William Webb and George Whale found expression in engine designing on a scale
and of a standard that excited the envy, if not always the admiration of
Innovations and Changes
Webb was the originator of the track trough system;
which enables expresses to take up water while travelling at speed, and, apart
from introducing this innovation, the London and North Western was the only one
of the principal railway companies to apply names to all its express
locomotives. The earlier railway plans affecting Birmingham had contemplated
the erection of separate stations for the London and Birmingham and Grand
Junction Companies in Broad Street. Curzon Street, however, offered a better
point of entry into the city, and in the plans of 1831 this locality was
favoured for the central station. But in the light of subsequent expansions
attention was directed to New Street, and on June 1st, 1854, the station here
was opened for all passenger traffic, and Curzon Street became a goods station
only. In one other respect the London and North Western was conspicuous,
holding the monopoly of the through route from London to the north until 1850.
The whole career, of the London and Birmingham railway was worked out amidst
the, changes and, chances of transition. Conceived when prejudices against
railways ran deep and strong, it contributed in ways of its own to the
revolution represented by the public surrender to the magic of speed. |
The London and Birmingham Railway
A bit of history from 1839 by Chris Heaven
The cost estimates for the building of the 112½
mile London and Birmingham Railway were hopelessly optimistic. The original
incorporating Act of Parliament had authorized the raising of £2,500,000
via £100 shares. However by the time the line from Euston Square to
Curzon Street terminus in Birmingham opened as a through route on 17th
September 1938 two further Acts had been needed to raise the capital to
£4,500,000. [The company had obtained £2,375,000 from shareholders
and £2,125,000 via loans.] This still proved inadequate and in the spring
of 1839 the railway had another Bill before Parliament seeking authority to
raise a further one million pounds through a third share issue. The minutes of
the evidence taken during the committee stage of this Bill, in March and April
1839, provides a fascinating insight into the early operation of the railway.
The main aim of the committee was to lay bare the financial position of the
company and to determine whether or not the raising of this extra capital was
really justified. However the dissecting questions put by legal council to the
company secretary, general superintendent and one of the directors also reveals
a lot about the operational arrangements at a time when, just like the
embankments, things were still bedding down.
The interrogation of the railway officers revealed
that the company had been somewhat devious in the way it had raised its funds.
It had also exceeded the authority Parliament had given for this. Mr Creed the
company secretary was forced to admit that beyond the £4½ million
approved capital the railway had other borrowings and debts, as at 15/3/1839,
of £631,000; or maybe more. Much of this borrowing had been secured
against future revenue. It was therefore rather presumptive to come back to
Parliament with a request to raise an additional £1million when the
railway had actually already spent around 2/3 of this sum. Parliament was
hardly able to refuse and allow the endeavour to fail.
Existing share holders had not been required to pay
the full amount for each share. For the original £100 shares only
£90 had been paid up. These shareholders were then offered, pro-rata,
£25 shares for which they only had to pay £5. The remaining amount
had been borrowed against the security of a call upon the shareholders for the
outstanding value of the shares. This put the holders of the £25 shares
in a very favourable financial position. They received a dividend on the full
£25 share value yet had only paid out £5. In the 6 months since the
full opening of the railway this had given a 35% annualized return on the
£5 investment. Knowledge of this had inflated the value of these shares
which could be sold at a very healthy profit. However if the shares were
retained and the loans then paid back out of the general revenue of the company
the shareholders might never have to pay the remaining £20. The company
officials had to admit that this arrangement for raising funds by borrowing
rather than calls upon shareholders had been wrong. Their excuse was that if
they had not done so construction would have been delayed or postponed. The
committee tried to impose ways to correct the matter but legal council insisted
that this was impossible without breaching legal obligations to lenders and
upsetting the general money markets. It was agreed though that future share
issues would not be managed in this way.
The questions put by the opposition lawyers reveals a
mentality stuck in the canal and turnpike era. No doubt this would change
dramatically in the coming years. The peak of the railway mania was
less than a decade away and 1846 was to see the greatest number of railway Acts
submitted to Parliament in a single year at 271. They seemed unable to grasp
the concept of a unified fare covering all the cost of a journey on the line.
Repeatedly the company officials are asked what part of the charge was for
the toll and what for locomotive power. The company
accounts were not ordered in a manner able to answer this. The London and
Birmingham was principally a passenger railway. At the time of the committee
hearings, six months after through route opening, it was running 7 trains on
weekdays and 4 on Sundays in each direction. There were 4 classes: second class
open, second class closed, first class and the mail coach (the most
prestigious). Open meant no protection whatsoever from the
elements. This was basically a 4 wheeled truck with benches and capable of
carrying up to 24 passengers. The closed second class carriage was
used with the night mail train. The fares for the full trip were 20s, 25s, 30s
and 35s respectively. This was about 2d, 2½d, 3d and 3½d per
mile. The most profitable were the second class passengers. This was simply
because more could be crammed into each carriage and these carriages cost much
less to manufacture and maintain. The unlined (i.e. non-upholstered) second
class carriage cost £130 to £150. In comparison the first class
carriage cost £460 to £480 and accommodated only 18 passengers.
These were more prone to wear and tear and needed repainting and relining at
least annually. The mail coach cost £500 to £520 and had a coupe
for 2 and a compartment for 4, with 2 to 4 outside seats. An audit during
October 1838 showed the ratios of passengers, mail : first : second as 1 : 2.5
: 3.2, i.e. one mail coach passenger for every 3.2 second class passengers with
a average fare of around 2¾d per mile. When compared to airlines today
this is a healthy proportion of higher tariff passengers. The fact that the
railway was making little profit from the more prestigious clients suggests
that the fare differentials were too low, i.e. they weren't charging enough for
the first and mail passengers. The committee suggested that the railway
revenues might improve if they lowered fares to attract more passengers. There
had been a debate amongst the directors about this but it was a dangerous
strategy. Mr Boothby, the director examined by the committee, stated that if
fares were reduced by 1/3 it would be necessary for the traffic to double to
generate the same dividend. Indeed when the line had been partially opened from
London to Tring in September 1837 the fares had been much lower and the railway
had operated at a loss.
At any rate trains were running well below capacity.
The average loading was 55 persons per train whereas if full of second class
passengers the maximum was around 200. The journey time between London and
Birmingham was 6 hours for first class trains (stopping only at principal
stations) and 6½ hours for second class trains stopping at all stations.
The fastest train was the day mail which did the journey in 5 hours which is an
average speed, including stops of 22.5 mph. This was barely twice the fastest
stage coach of the era at a time when the main turnpike roads were in generally
good order.
The dedicated first class trains highlighted social
class divisions and prejudices. Quoting directly from the minutes, Q:
Would there be any objection. . .that one second class carriage be attached to
each first class train? . . . complaints are made, on the part of gentlemen,
that servants, when traveling by a first class train, are frequently placed by
the side of ladies in the same carriage, sometimes eating a mutton chop, and at
other times a pork pie; besides which, gentlemen are obliged to pay the expense
of the first class train for their servants. A: . . .the board (of the railway)
has provided, outside the first class carriages, seats in which they may put
their servants at the second class fares. The outside seats were placed
high up at the ends of the carriages in the manner of stage coaches. This was a
very exposed position and one can imagine the experience passing through long
tunnels at the slow running speeds. A concession to female servants on these
first class trains was that they were allowed to ride inside at second class
The conveying of horses and their carriages was the
most unprofitable traffic. The power needed to draw one horse in a box was
thought greater than that to pull a passenger (railway) carriage. Gentlemen's
carriages and horses needed to be at stations at least a quarter of an hour
before the time of departure. Trucks (flat wagons) were kept at the principal
stations but to prevent disappointment it was recommended that these should be
booked in advance. The rate for a carriage with four wheels was 75s for the
whole distance, but if two carriages with two wheels could be placed on one
flat wagon this was only 55s. The fare for a horse from Birmingham to London
was 50s, i.e. the same as one second class + one first class passenger, but
requiring its own box. Passengers that remained either in or on gentlemen's
carriages, and grooms in charge of horses were charged second class fares. This
was the motorail service of the 1830s.
The secretary was asked about speeds on other railways
and he thought the Liverpool and Manchester managed 30mph, and the GWR 35mph.
His excuse for the relative slowness on the L&BR was the need to pass
carefully over some of the embankments which were still consolidating, and the
disciplines of adhering to a published timetable. In places speed restrictions
were 10 mph or less (where now Virgin pedolinos whisk by). The evidence often
makes comparison with the Grand Junction Railway, which ran from an adjacent
terminus in Birmingham to Warrington and thence to Liverpool and Manchester. At
this time that railway used a starting departure time but unlike the L&BR
didn't wait for time at intermediate stations and had a generally poorer
punctuality record.
During these first months it was proving impossible to
accurately predict the cost of operating locomotives. The plan had been for Mr
Bury (of Liverpool) to manufacture and run locomotives under contract at a
farthing per passenger mile and ½d per ton of goods per mile. This was
based on early experience with the Liverpool and Manchester railway. These
figures were quickly found to be invalid. Even on the L&MR locomotive costs
rose substantially after 3 or 4 years when heavy repairs to the engines became
necessary. On the L&BR the higher cost of coal and poorer than expected
passenger numbers were other factors that pushed up motive power costs. The
anticipated increasing speeds would also raise fuel consumption and increase
wear and tear on locomotives and track. By April 1839 the figure had reached 7
shillings and 16 pence per passenger mile and was still rising. The idea of a
contract was dropped and Mr Bury's services were hired on a salaried basis and
the company itself took direct control of locomotive finances.
Mr Boothby (company director) reported that
locomotives for passenger work were of a different power from those intended to
convey merchandise. They were all of the 4 wheeled type as was the case on the
Liverpool and Manchester, North Union, London and Southampton, Bolton, and
Midland Counties railways at this time. The only 6 wheeled engines on the
L&BR were for ballast trains. The Grand Junction Railway however used
exclusively 6 wheeled engines. Robert Stephenson, chief engineer for the
L&BR, was an advocate (and manufacturer) of 6 wheeled locomotives. The
company may not have wished to be unduly dependant on him and thus turned to Mr
Bury for its locomotives. Much of the questioning was to determine how open to
competition the L&BR was. This included whether they would allow
locomotives from other railway companies to operate on the line. Much of this
revolved around practical issues such as access to water and station
facilities. The company officials conceded that the legislation allowed others
use of their facilities but in reality they were not going to let this happen
easily. They insisted that any individual arrangements they had already made
did not set a precedent for everyone else and that water would only be supplied
at an appropriate price decided by them; otherwise let them build their own
stations and pipe-work. They were quizzed as to whether the GJR's 6 wheeled
locomotives would fit on the L&BR turnplates but not definitive answer was
In the transport of goods the role of the railway was
just to provide the locomotives and wagons. It was not itself the
carrier. If the public wished goods to be sent via the railway this was
organized by other businesses that also took care of the movement of goods to
and from the railway premises. These carriers in effect purchased capacity on
trains and were obliged to cart items away from stations within 6 hours of
arrival. The Bill (i.e. the request to raise more money) was opposed by one
such carrier, a Mr John Robins. His objection was that the railway was giving
preferential treatment to Pickfords and Co, who would been the sole carrier
when the line first opened. [Some of the evidence given did suggest that they
had enjoyed a generous mark up on the carriage of some goods and that
competition from other carriers would bring charges down; both on the railway
and canal.] Mr Robins claimed that the railway was not honouring its legal
obligation to allow free and fair competition and to deal with all users of its
facilities on even terms. Initially the company denied this but questioning
quickly revealed a conflict of interest in that the General Superintendent of
the railway, a Mr Baxendale, and a share holder in it, was also a partner in
Pickfords and Co. The committee put pressure upon the railway officials to be
more overtly and fairly open to all carriers. A general fee structure for all
carriers could not be agreed because of the issue of empty wagons traveling
back from London to Birmingham and who should pay for this. In the
transport of goods the railway was in competition with the canals. The railway
was more expensive but offered greater speed. There was a demand to hurry goods
from the north to London for sale or export. There was less to transport in the
other direction and less of a rush. There was therefore unused capacity within
the wagons returning to Birmingham and the company suggested, as an experiment,
charges to carriers of 30 shillings per ton from Birmingham to London and 33
shillings in the opposite direction. Understandably not all carriers were happy
with this.
The average daily movement of goods between September
1838 and March 1839 was 72 tons 6 cwt. Nowadays this could be done by two
lorries! The railway was only interested in handling the more lucrative general
merchandise and in relatively small amounts. There was no intention to
transport heavier goods such a stone and coal. The canals could do that. The
company provided wagons and locomotive power at a charge of 12s a ton per round
trip, to and from London and Birmingham. These figures are a little at odds
with those above but this may be because they do not include the
toll component, i.e. the access charge. Freight charges seem to
have been in a state of flux because of the uncertainty over locomotive costs.
A wagon could carry up to 4 tons but this was soon restricted to 3½
tons. Loading was though not to be less than 2½ tons. One locomotive
could only manage a train of 100 to 120 tons. Where necessary double heading,
rather than banking was used. This was recommended if a passenger train
consisted of more than 12 carriages, or 14 in good weather.
Fare dodging had been frequent in the early days, both
from passengers traveling in a higher class of carriage or beyond the
destination which their ticket allowed. As much as £50 or £60
had been recovered in one week. The practice had been curtailed somewhat
by requiring tickets to be presented at the last station before London or
Birmingham. Checking tickets in transit was considered impractical as it
would have involved employing a guard in each carriage.
When asked about cost comparisons with other railways
Mr Boothby (company director) gave figures per mile of £24,000 for the
Grand Junction Railway, £42,000 for the Liverpool and Manchester and
around £50,000 for the L&BR. His justification for the differences
were that the quantity of earthworks on the L&BR had been nearly four times
that on the GJR, with numerous expensive tunnels, viaducts, embankments and
cuttings. There were large over spends (and delays) on Kilsby tunnel and
Blisworth cutting. The 1¼ mile extension from Camden to Euston had been
particularly expensive at between £300,000 and £400,000 once
property purchases were included. Not one of the 30 main contracts had been
completed to budget. For all of this the humble navvie was paid 4/6
(22½p) a day + beer.
The Act authorizing the requested additional
£1million was passed on 14th June 1839 but, in the words of John Britton
in his account of the line published that year, granted (only) after a
long and searching investigation into the affairs of the Company.
The Stour Valley Line
An overview by Bev Parker
It was originally known as the Birmingham,
Wolverhampton & Stour Valley Railway, its construction was authorised by an
Act of Parliament passed on 3rd August 1846. The capital was equally divided
between four sources; the company itself, the Shrewsbury & Birmingham
Railway, the Birmingham Canal Company, and local interests. The line was to
start at New Street station which was initially known as Navigation Street
station until its name changed in timetables in November 1852. The route was to
run from the London & Birmingham line at New Street station to Bushbury
where it would join the Grand Junction Railway. There would also be a short
branch to Dudley from Dudley Port. There were seven intermediate stations;
Smethwick, Spon Lane, Oldbury & Bromford Lane, Dudley Port, Tipton,
Deepfields & Coseley, and Ettingshall Road & Bilston. The route was
called the Stour Valley Line because of a projected line from Smethwick through
the valley to Stourbridge, which never happened. Right from the beginning the
London & North Western Railway wanted to gain control of the line, which
after all ran from their station at Birmingham to the old Grand Junction line
which was also in their possession. It strengthened its control in three
1. It took over the Birmingham Canal Company. 2.
It leased the line under the terms of an Act passed on 1st July 1847 which
would prevent the Shrewsbury & Birmingham from using the line if they
joined the Great Western Railway, who were intense rivals of the London &
North Western. 3. By making the Wolverhampton General station (High Level)
and the section to Bushbury joint property with the Shrewsbury & Birmingham
in an Act of 9th July 1847, which also gave the Shrewsbury & Birmingham
running powers over the Stour Valley Line.
Having secured control of the line they could begin
its construction.
This was split into three sections; Birmingham to
Winson Green, Winson Green to Oldbury, and Oldbury to Bushbury. The engineers
in charge were Robert Stephenson and William Baker, and initially work
proceeded briskly. Their report of August 1847 indicated that one third of the
845 yard tunnel into New Street was already complete. Having secured control of
the line, the London & North Western were in no hurry to complete the task
and so the remaining work proceeded at a more leisurely pace. The progress was
also slow on the section near Bushbury due to difficulties in acquiring land.
Work finished on 21st November 1851, and was officially announced on 1st
December, it had taken just over four years.
After the December announcement the Shrewsbury &
Birmingham fully expected to start running their trains into Birmingham, but
the London & North Western had other ideas. On the 10th January 1851 the
Shrewsbury & Birmingham signed a traffic agreement with the Great Western
Railway which led to an offer to amalgamate in 1856 or 57. The London &
North Western had heard about this and so invoked the terms of their 1847
agreement. They denied access to the Shrewsbury & Birmingham which set the
scene for the bitter dispute that followed. On 1st February 1852 the line was
opened for London & North Western goods, and from 1st March 1853 a half
hourly service started from Wolverhampton to Birmingham which was designed to
prevent the Shrewsbury & Birmingham from gaining access . The London &
North Western claimed that due to the frequent service it would now be
dangerous for Shrewsbury & Birmingham trains to run alongside their own.
The Shrewsbury & Birmingham finally accepted an arbitration award that set
a high fixed rent for their use of New Street station and their trains started
running to Birmingham on 4th February 1854. They finally joined the Great
Western on 1st September 1854, and were granted an extension which allowed them
to continue to run their trains on the Stour Valley line until the Great
Western line could be opened. In the event it remained closed until 14th
November 1854 because a bridge had collapsed at Handsworth.
After opening, several new stations were quickly
added, they were:
Bushbury on 2nd August 1852 Albion on 1st May
1853 Monument Lane on 1st July 1854 Monmore Green on 1st December
Once the Shrewsbury & Birmingham had departed,
the line soon became a great success. In the 1870s as many as 120 passenger
trains and 50 goods trains ran daily in and out of Wolverhampton. |
