London North Western
Midland Junction Railway

LMS Route: Birmingham New Street to Lichfield
Select a station or subheading to view associated images.
Numbers in [brackets] specify the number of photos on each page.
Birmingham New Street
[428] |
Approaches [47] |
Banbury Street
Ticket Platform [1] |
Curzon Street: |
Lawley Street
Station [1] |
Bloomsbury and
Nechells [Text only] |
Vauxhall & Duddeston Station: |
Aston Station: |
Gravelly Hill
[25] |
[6] |
Chester Road
[9] |
Wylde Green
[15] |
Sutton Coldfield
(LNWR) [27] |
Four Oaks
[15] |
Butlers Lane
[10] |
Blake Street
[5] |
Shenstone (Staffordshire) |
Lichfield City (Staffordshire) |
Lichfield Trent Valley (Staffordshire) |
The following is an article on part of the above route which
first appeared in the February 1921 issue of 'The Locomotive News and Railway
Notes' Vol.VIII No47:
By 'Carew.'
In two recent issues of this magazine, correspondents have
raised the subject of the L. & N.W.R. suburban services, and so the
following brief account of a gallant fight which this Company is making against
its competitors in a provincial city may interest readers of the LOCOMOTIVE
NEWS. We propose to deal with only one line of the many which radiate from the
city, but it is the one which .carries probably the largest volume of purely
suburban traffic, and on account of the severity of its gradients, the weight
and number of its trains, and the variety of locomotive types employed, appeals
most strongly to those interested in the working of railways. The line in
question extends from Birmingham (New Street Station) northwards to Lichfield
(City), just over 16¼ miles, but we are almost entirely concerned with
the southern half, 8¾ miles long, between Birmingham and Four Oaks, at
which station nearly all the trains terminate.
A gradient profile , of the section between Aston and Four
Oaks has been drawn, as nearly accurately as is possible from observations of
the gradient boards and mile posts from the passing train, and as the writer
was a regular traveller on the line from 1910 to- 1914, and again from 1917 to
1919', he can claim to know it well, but as he is no longer in the district,
the information here given does not necessarily apply to the present day.
From the east end of New Street Station, the line falls
steeply through a tunnel for about a quarter of a mile, and then follow some
very short switchback gradients, as steep as 1 in 53 and 1 in 57, extending-to
Proof House Junction, where the Four Oaks trains diverge sharply to the left
from the main Rugby line, and immediately climb at 1 in 60 on to a viaduct
which carries them over the end of the Curzon Street goods sidings. From the
viaduct the line falls again, first at 1 in 60, and then at much easier grades,
through Vauxhall Station (nearly 1½ miles from New Street) to Aston
2½ miles). Here, whilst the line to Walsall continues straight, that to
Four Oaks branches off to the right round a very sharp curve, and soon, carried
on a high embankment between the General Electric Company's works and a
reservoir, begins to climb at 1 in 95 for over a mile, passing Gravelly Hill
Station. From the summit of this bank the upward tendency of the line is
maintained at 1 in 330 to Erdington. The gradients may readily be seen from the
diagram, but it is necessary to add that between Aston and Gravelly Hill, on
the 1 in 95, there is a sharp reverse curve nearly half a mile long, whilst
from the tunnel mouth at Sutton Coldfield the line to Four Oaks bends right
round in the form of a bow for nearly three-quarters of a mile, and only the
last 400 yards into Four Oaks, where trains visibly accelerate, is straight.
The line is double throughout, and there are four tracks from Vauxhall to a
point just outside Aston Station.
Gradient Sketch of LNWR Route between Aston to Four
The four sets of metals converge into two just where the
extra accommodation would be most valuable, for at present all engine movements
into and out of Aston sheds, goods trains to and from Aston goods station at
one side, and the connecting line running to Stechford on the main Rugby line
at the other, as well as the entire Four Oaks service, and the Walsall and
Wolverhampton trains via Witton, are conducted over one up and one down set of
metals, and in the absence of flying junctions it is easy to see what a source
of delay the Aston bottle-neck becomes. At Proof House also, up Four Oaks
trains foul those going south to Rugby and London, and the approach to New
Street Station is as constricted and congested as that to Aston. It is small
wonder that the L. & N.W.R. suburban trains in the Birmingham district have
a bad name for unpunctuality. As the up trains have such favourable gradients,
little is to be said about them, but down trains calling at intermediate
stations have three very difficult starts to make in succession, Gravelly Hill,
Erdington, and Chester Road, and at the foot of the long climb are the facing
points and curve at Aston. Here most drivers slacken speed to about 15 m.p.h.,
but some go through at 35 to 40 m.p.h. This is an experience worth having, in a
six-wheeled coach. The last climb to Four Oaks would be much more trying than
it is but for a quarter of a mile down at 1 in 101 through Sutton Coldfield
Station and tunnel.
The trains, of which in July, 1919, there were 28 down and
27 up (with slight variations on Saturdays, and no service at all on Sundays),
are of three kinds, fast, semi-fast, and slow. The fast trains run between
Birmingham and Lichfield, Burton, or Derby, and in the down direction are
non-stop between Birmingham and Sutton; in the up direction, between Sutton and
Vauxhall. North of Sutton they call at all stations. In pre-war days there
were, I believe, five down and six up, but now (December, 1920) their number is
redqced to four down and two up, and a number of Lichfield connections are made
with the slow trains at Four Oaks by a four-coach auto-train (worked by 2-4-2T
No. 975) running between those points. For the fast trains loads do not often
exceed four bogies (about 106 tons tare), but one up and one down at least
regularly take an extra bogie first weighing, I believe, 28 tons. In the down
direction, just over 7½ miles from Birmingham to Sutton were booked to
take 14 minutes, but only 12½ was the time taken on one occasion by
0-6-2T No. 55, with 106 tons. The working book allows five minutes for the
2½ miles from the Birmingham start to Aston, but this is a counsel of
perfection, and the distance nearly always accounts for 5½ to 6 minutes.
Consequently, the pre-war fast trains used to run the five miles (exactly) from
Aston (slow pass) to Sutton (stop), including three miles continuously uphill
at 1 in 95, 1 in 330, 1 in 107, 1in 266, in 8 or 8½ minutes.
Since 1917, this 14-minute booking has been stretched to 16
minutes, but the trains are slightly heavier and certainly much more crowded. I
recorded an occasion in July, 1914, when 2-4-2T No. 838 ran from Aston to
Sutton in 7 mins 47 secs., with 106 tons. The 5ft. 6in. double-ender tanks used
to do very good work on these trains, of which they had almost a monopoly, but
now the 5ft. Oin. goods engines and 0-6-2 tanks are more often employed, and I
think the 8.25 a.m. and 9.10 a.m. up trains from Lichfield are now regularly
worked by a 4-6-2 tank and a Precursor tank respectively, the former being a
heavy train of about eight bogies. About 1914, a 6ft. Oin. 2-4-0 'Sirius', then
stationed at Walsall, worked daily for many months on the 2 p.m. from
Birmingham to Derby and back, reaching New Street again at 6.26, but the few
journeys I had behind this engine were very slow, and it seemed too 'long in
the legs' to get going up the banks.
The semi-fast trains are the hardest to work, being the
heaviest. They run non-stop between Birmingham and Gravelly Hill (four miles)
or Erdington (five miles), but call at all stations north thereof. In 1914,
there were six down and five up, now there are three down and four up. For
these trains there are four eight-coach bogie 'sets' made up, each set weighing
195 tons, and a set of eleven six-wheelers weighing 165 tons. The six-wheelers
are elliptical-roofed stock of modern design introduced in 1911, each coach
weighing 15 tons, and as the train is close coupled it occupies comparatively
little platform space for the accommodation it provides. As far as I know, this
stock is unique on the L. & N.W.R., and there are no other coaches like it
on the whole system, neither has it, to my knowledge, been described or
illustrated in any railway publication. These 'sets', however, are quite
insufficient for the traffic, and are often strengthened with an additional
four-coach set weighing 100 tons or more, or a train is often made up of three
four-coach sets, weighing in all 318 tons empty! From 1918 onwards, the 6.15
p.m. (Saturdays excepted) and 1.7 p.m. (Saturdays only) from New Street,
regularly loaded up to 270-320 tons empty, and as they were invariably packed
with people the load behind the engine must sometimes have been 350 tons. These
were the trains which the little Webb 0-6-2 tanks started from rest up a
gradient of 1 in 95 day after day, night after night, in all weathers, simply
as a matter of course!
Sketch Map of the LNWR Route between Birmingham New Street
to Four Oaks
Long ago, there used to be five or six Precursor tanks
stationed at Birmingham, and when a few of these left the district their places
were taken by 4-6-2 tanks, but in the last three years the bulk of the traffic
has been borne by the Webb 0-6-2 tanks, both 5ft. Oin. and 4ft. 3in., helped
out by an occasional Precursor or Experiment ! The 6.15 p.m. from New Street is
allowed six minutes to pass Aston and eleven minutes to clear Gravelly Hill,
the first stop (four miles). Then follow four other stops, one of 2 mins.
duration at Sutton, where the engines of down trains take water, and finally
Four Oaks is reached in 34 minutes. It was only on fine, dry evenings that the
little tanks could keep time', and about the middle of the post-war period of
which I am writing, 1311 'Napoleon', a Precursor, or 1413 'Henry Cost', an
Experiment, were sent down from Monument Lane shed to work this train. It was
interesting to note that they did little, if any, better than the Webb tanks.
In fact, one wet night, 'Napoleon', with 270 tons tare, slipping badly on the
bank from Aston to Gravelly Hill, was finally 'stalled', and the train remained
standing for forty minutes until a light engine came up from Aston and shoved
us into Gravelly Hill Station from the back, and then again up to Erdington,
where it left 'Napoleon' once more in sole charge.
All then went without mishap until the last lap to Four
Oaks, where the combined effect of wind, rain, gradient, curve, and load
brought 'Napoleon' to a dead stand once more, but this time the driver managed
to restart without assistance, and we finally crawled into Four Oaks 1 hour 40
minutes after leaving Birmingham, having disorganised the entire service for
the rest of the evening. This catastrophe might have been averted by more
skilful driving, for, as the guard on this occasion remarked to me, 'It makes a
big difference who's in front'. Certainly, some very good performances used to
be put up by Crewe drivers in the days when they worked the 1.7 p.m. (Saturdays
only) with various types of express engines from Shed 15. On a service like
this there was far more distinction between the work of different drivers with
the same engine than between that of different engines with the same
The lighter semi-fasts, like the 5.5 p.m. from New Street,
weighing about 215 tons when fully loaded, used to reach Four Oaks in 28
minutes if making five intermediate stops, 26 if making four. Both schedules
demanded good work, but have now been increased by two or three minutes. On one
of these trains, weighing approximately 210 tons, No. 2665, a superheated
4-6-2T, ran from Birmingham to Gravelly Hill (start to stop) in 7min. 10sec. at
an average speed of 34 m.p.h., creditable work considering the shortness of the
journey and the difficulties of the road.
There remain only the slow trains to be described. These
call at all seven intermediate stations, the old standard booking for the down
trains being 30 minutes, which was increased about 1913 to 33 minutes.
Nevertheless, I have frequently recorded instances of the journey being made in
31 minutes, both by the Webb six-coupled tanks and the * Bowen-Cooke
superheaters, with the usual load of eight bogies. These trains are now the
most numerous, there being about twenty in each direction, and they are worked
indifferently by all classes of engines; fast summer, in fact, a 'Claughton'
used to take the 5.37 p.m. from New Street, then running back to Birmingham
light, as was the custom with large tender engines. Incidentally I may say that
the usual procedure for the tank engines is to run chimney first out of
Birmingham, and bunker first on the return. It is difficult to compare the
performance of the engines, as this was to so great an extent dependent on the
habits of the enginemen, one driver getting much better work out of a small
engine than another would out of a big one. Generally speaking, I should say
the Precursor tanks did the best actual running, but for their size that of the
Webb 5ft. Oin. 0-6-2 tanks was the most meritorious.
The Bowen-Cooke superheaters were so carefully 'nursed' that
no reliable estimate of their ability could be made. This was strange, because
the larger and heavier Precursor tanks were most unmercifully thrashed on
occasion, likewise all the Webb engines. And as they were double-manned and
were in service about 18 hours a day, they generally ran with leaky packings
and filthy boiler water, whilst the Bowen-Cooke engines were, if I am not
mistaken, in a comparatively 'cushy' billet at Monument Lane sheds, the
passenger engine depot for the district, Aston being chiefly a goods engine
depot, but housing the tanks for the Four Oaks service on account of its more
accessible position.
In conclusion, I append a list - an incomplete one, I fear -
of engines which have, from time to time during the period covered by this
article, been in regular service on this line.
- 0-6-2T 5ft. 0in. (Webb) - 14, 16, 46, 55, 80, 115, 118,
283, 317, 345, 356, 495, 593, 596, 599, 624, 741, 972, 1095, 1563, 1587, 1588,
1590, 1597, 1601, 1622, 1627, 2019, 2133, 2211.
- 4-4-2T 6ft 0in. (Whale) - 612, 616, 784, 803, 827, 834,
875, 920, 935, 1295, 1427, 1523, 1551, 1572, 1981, 1984, 1985, 2165, 2446.
- 4-6-2T 5ft. 8in. (Bowen-Cooke) - 217, 316, 632, 858,
1186, 1366, 1688, 1692, 1710, 1728, 1734, 2004, 2665, 2666, 2670.
