London North Western
Midland Junction Railway

LMS Route: Rugby to Wolverhampton LMS Route: Nuneaton to
Coventry Station: lnwrcov2799
A photograph of Mr John James King, Chief Cartage Foreman,
standing beside the LNWR cartage office with the MR shed and offices in the
background. John James King's peaked hat appears to have the legend LMS
on its hat band which would indicate that the date is near to 1927 when he
retired. Harry Jack writes 'I believe the building behind Mr King to be the
Claims Office and Telephone Exchange at the end of the MR & LNWR Joint
Goods Shed? Looking NE from the yard behind the Warwick Road offices. This view
is supported by Martin O'Keeffe, also of the LNWR Society, who writes 'its the
office at the end of the L&NWR/MR goods shed. The siding runs up to it and
there is a small building there too. You can see the building in the centre of
image 'lnwrcov554c'. Since the photograph was
first published Christine has managed to obtain a higher resolution scanned
copy which shows much clearer the sign fixed between the two chimneys. See
image 'lnwrcov2799a'.