London North Western
Midland Junction Railway

LMS Route: Rugby to Wolverhampton
LMS Route: Hampton in Arden to Whitacre
Hampton - Derby Junction: lnwrhiaj707
View of the original Hampton station also known as 'Derby
Junction' with the LNWR station on the left and the B&DJR station on the
right. The dating of the photograph would suggest the late 1880s because of the
style of the LNWR platform building on the left together with the signal box
was introduced at about this point of time. However as the LNWR had recently
opened a new station approximately ¼ mile away in the Coventry
direction, we have to ask why the LNWR built a new structure at this location
too. One possible, and a totally unsubstantiated reason, might be due to
contractual reasons. The MR, as the B&DJR had become, still ran a very
limited service from Whitacre because of the obligations forced on them by
Parliament. It might therefore be the case that the LNWR were equally compelled
by their contractual responsibilities to the MR to follow suit. It does not
explain why a new building was erected but it does explain why the LNWR
continued to maintain a presence at this junction. I was fortunate to get my
copy of this photograph from a local GP, Dr Alan Smyth, who lived in Hampton in
Arden. Alan had responded to an article I had written about the photograph of
LNWR 4-4-0 No 226 'Colwyn Bay' which was taken passing the old junction.
Apparently when visiting a very old lady patient he saw the photograph on her
wall and she was more than happy to let him copy it.
