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LMS Route: Rugby to Leamington Spa (Avenue)

LMS Route: Nuneaton to Leamington

LMS Route: Leamington to Weedon

Leamington (Avenue) Station: lnwrlave1352a

Close up showing a number of Colthrop Board & Paper Mills wagons in transit to their new home in Thatcham in Berkshire

Close up of image 'lnwrlave1352' showing a number of Colthrop Board & Paper Mills wagons in transit to their new home in Thatcham in Berkshire. Michael Byng writes 'Colthrop Board and Paper Mills Limited was a large mill on the banks of the River Kennet east of Reading. The company obtained much of its coal from the Warwickshire coal field, either by canal from Exhall but latterly from Keresley Colliery -"The Warwickshire Coal Company Limited. Much of the company's supplies was purchased through the London Coal Factor - Lamont & Warne. Probably the wagons in the photograph were being delivered to their owner with coal from the Colliery. The numbers on the wagons are new to me, I am aware of numbers 101 to 160, built by Charles Roberts in 1928 and numbers 171 to 182 built by Thomas Hunter of Rugby in 1935; one might reasonably assume that wagons numbers 207 and 209 were built after that date. The pictures show a group of Colthrop wagons of which I was unaware'.

Keith Turton writes: 'Additional to my Private Owner Wagons, a Seventh Collection, which details wagons built by Charles Roberts in 1928, of which 60 (no's101-160) were delivered with the company name across the top three boards, and a further twelve, (N's 171-182) in 1935 and built by Thomas Hunter of Rugby , further wagons (No's 207 and 209) were photographed passing through Leamington Spa station appearing to be brand new and on their delivery run from the builder. This MAY also have been the Rugby builder but any of the three builders in Birmingham have also to be considere'.

' TThe Roberts wagons emptied to the Elliott Washery of the Tredegar Coal and Iron Co.. in South Wales but those illustrated show no empty return instructions. It is possible that they give us a clue to how the Hunter wagons were painted were painted for which no illustration exists. Much of the coal consumed by the paper mill was sourced from the Warwickshire coalfield, evidence shows that the Kersley Colliery at Coventry by rail, and the Exhall Colliery nearby, by canal, were regular sources.'.
