LMS Route: Rugby to Leamington Spa (Avenue)
LMS Route: Nuneaton to Leamington
LMS Route: Leamington to Weedon
Leamington (Avenue) Station: lnwrlave1380a
Close up of image 'lnwrlave1380' showing two Private Owner
wagons, A Baker and S & E Collier, both of Reading standing in the exchange
sidings. In all probability these wagons are transporting coal from the North
Warwickshire coal fields as both companies would be heavy users of coal. Up to
the out break of the Second World War employing ones own wagons was very cost
efficient for any business that depended heavily on transporting either coal or
finished goods.
Neil Scriven writes, S & E Collier Ltd, Reading's
largest brickmakers, were established at Coley in the mid 19th century moving
to Grovelands, Tilehurst in 1870 where they operated until 1966. They were well
known for their terracotta and Reading Red bricks. Colliers also
produced pottery marketed as Silchester Ware, which imitated the
forms of Roman, Greek and medieval pots. Waterloo Kiln at Katesgrove was
founded by John Poulton and produced Reading's silver grey bricks, ridge tile,
chimney pots and moulded bricks. This kiln was sold to S & E Collier in
1908. From the 1920s clay was carried in buckets on an aerial cable from the
Collier's clay pit near Norcot Road to their Grovelands brickworks.
Keith Turton writes: HERBERT BAKER Born in Bath in 1864,
Baker started life as an engineering student and at age 17 had moved to
Reading, to become a decade later a civil engineer. The `1891 census records
him as aged 27,, the son of civil engineer Edward Baker, born Tiverton in 1838
and wife Ellen. Brother Hamilton was born in Reading in 1872, Father and both
sons were recorded as civil engineers. In 1901 he was described as a gas
engineer and living at 49 Eastern Road, Reading. unmarried and with a single
This stage of his career as a gas engineer, may have
steered him to the coal trade for by the 1911 census he had become a coal
contractor, this time the census either corrects or contradicts him by giving
his age as 44 and born in 1867, living at 89 Hamilton Road, Reading. In the
meantime brother Hamilton had married with two young children and progressed in
1911 to the post of Assistant Engineer of a gas company. This is assumed as the
Reading Gas Works and the strong possibility is that the two brothers set up
their own business as Gas Coal Contractors. It appears that the surviving
personnel records of the Reading Gas Company cannot confirm these
A solitary entry in the Great Western Freighter registers
(no's 74987-9) records three wagons registered to H E S Baker, No's 110, 111
and 112, dated January 9th 1907. They were built, surprisingly by the small
Penistone wagon works of W. J. Gittus That illustrated is obviously not one of
these and the suggestion is that the main lettering is "H. Baker" Livery is
suggested as black with plain white lettering.
S & E COLLIER Although only a part view, it is
enough to identify this wagon as belonging to Reading's prime brick and pottery
works which had been a family concern for generations dating to the early
eighteenth century. There are no extant records of wagon ownership but the size
of the company and its coal intake suggest a reasonable-sized fleet. That shown
appears to be painted grey with white letters shaded b lack.
