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LMS Route: Rugby to Wolverhampton
LMS Route: Rugby to Leamington
LMS Route: Rugby to Tamworth
LMS Route: Rugby to Leicester
LMS Route: Rugby to Market Harborough

Rugby Station: lnwrrm1060

A  schematic drawing showing a 1935 track plan of Rugby Shed including both Engine Sheds, Fitting Shop and yard facilities

A schematic drawing showing a 1935 track plan of Rugby Shed including both Engine Sheds, Fitting Shop and yard facilities. The plan shows the layout of Rugby's two Engine Sheds and the Fitting Shop sandwiched between the two. Access to British Thomson Houston (BTH) works was via the siding which ran adjacent to Shed No 2. Located on a route direct from the Fitting Shop is the Engine Weigh Bridge. The two Single Skip Ash Plants are located on the roads which ran from the mechanical coaling plant. A siding has been constructed between the two roads so that the ash could then be removed from the yard in open wagons.
