London North Western
Midland Junction Railway

LMS Route: Rugby to Wolverhampton LMS Route: Rugby to
Leamington LMS Route: Rugby to Tamworth LMS Route: Rugby to
Leicester LMS Route: Rugby to Market Harborough
Rugby Station: lnwrrm2578
British Railways Standard Class 9F 2-10-0 No 92023 fitted with a
Crosti boiler is seen equipped with test equipment standing outside Rugby
Locomotive Testing Station. Built at Crewe works in March 1955, No 92023 was to
remain in service until November 1967 when it was withdrawn from 8H Mollington
Street shed in Birkenhead. Designed for British Railways by Robert Riddles, the
ten Crosti boilered locomotives were a sub-class of his Standard Class 9F
2-10-0 design and were all built at Crewe works in 1955. The Franco-Crosti
boiler took the form of a single cylindrical water drum running along the
underside of the main boiler barrel; the standard chimney at the front was only
used during lighting-up, in normal working the gases went through firetubes
inside the pre-heater drum that led to a second smokebox situated beneath the
boiler from which there emerged a chimney on the right-hand side (fireman's),
just forward of the firebox.
The design did not deliver the hoped-for benefits, and
efficiency was not increased sufficiently to justify the cost and complexity.
Moreover, conditions were unpleasant on the footplate in a cross-wind, this in
spite the later provision of a small deflector plate forward of the chimney.
These problems led to the subsequent sealing off of the pre-heater drum, over
the period 1959-1961, and the locomotives were then worked conventionally. As a
result of this, there was a reduced ability to generate steam, and so their
power classification was reduced from 9F to 8F. All ten members of the
sub-class were fitted with the BR1B-type 4,275 imperial gallons tender. Despite
their carrying redundant equipment and the availability of Stanier 8F 2-8-0
locomotives or Riddles Standard 9F 2-10-0 locomotives, all but one locomotive
remained in service until November 1967 just nine months before steam
locomotive power was withdrawn from British railways.
